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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

Act Party
April 4, 2004

by Dr Muriel Newman

Media reports that police are investigating abuse claims at a State-run boys’ home raises serious questions about the vetting process used by the Department of Child, Youth and Family’s to select caregivers, ACT New Zealand Social Welfare Spokesman Dr Muriel Newman said today.

“Answers to my written Parliamentary Questions have revealed that, as of the end of February 2004, there were at least 51 of these CYF homes throughout the country caring for a total of 325 children,” Dr Newman said.

“Claims of abuse of children by CYF caregivers are not uncommon.  Yet it is completely unacceptable.  The children and their families deserve to know that when they are taken into CYF care they will be treated properly

“The public needs to have confidence that when a child is placed into a CYF home they will receive adequate care and support, to help improve their future prospects.  What we are seeing, however, are situations where troubled children are being mis-treated.

“I am sick and tired – as, I’m sure, is the wider public – of hearing about these failures of CYF. It is time for CYF Minister Ruth Dyson to be held to account.

“We need a full, independent inquiry into what went on in the CYF home in Windrush Close.  If culpability can be proven, heads should roll.

“If abuse and incompetence can be proven in this case, then the Government needs to come clean.  If the State cannot be trusted to adequately care for the nation’s troubled children, then it may be time to ask the private sector to step in and help,” Dr Newman said.