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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

The Press
April 7, 2004

Brothers face group abuse charges
by Yvonne Martin

The sexual scandal plaguing a Catholic order has taken a new twist, with allegations that two religious brothers abused a boy together.

The allegations are cited among fresh charges laid by Christchurch police against two brothers and a priest from the St John of God Order.

Warrants to arrest the men, aged 82, 69 and 56 -- now living in New South Wales -- were issued by the Christchurch District Court yesterday.

Police are trying to extradite the trio, who face a total of 64 sexual abuse charges relating to their time working at Marylands, a former school for boys with learning and intellectual disabilities.

Complaints have been received from former pupils dating back almost 50 years.

Documents presented to the court have given the first indication of collective abuse, in that two brothers together preyed on a schoolboy under 16.

The 69-year-old is jointly accused with another brother of sodomising the teenage boy between 1974 and 1977.

They are also charged with committing an indecent act upon the boy and inducing their victim to perform an indecent act over the same period.

Inquiry head Detective Sergeant Earle Borrell said police swore fresh affidavits relating to the new charges yesterday and arrest warrants were issued.

They would be forwarded to the Australian authorities for action, said Borrell.

The three men, who are on bail, are opposing extradition. A three-day hearing has been set down in the Downing Centre Local Court in Sydney, from May 10.

The men's lawyer, Greg Walsh, said in January that the 56-year-old priest was gravely ill with throat cancer and the other two were also sick.

He said it was possible the complainants had an ulterior motive in making their allegations after publicity about the Order's $NZ4.5 million payout on abuse claims in Australia.

Eighty-two former Marylands residents came forward claiming they had been abused after the Order published a hotline number in New Zealand.

St John of God has also paid out more than $4 million in compensation to New Zealand complainants