Allegations of Abuse

in churches & institutions

News Reports - 2004

The Press
December 24 2004

Extradition ruling delay

A Sydney magistrate said yesterday that he would hand down a decision in mid- February as to whether three St John of God clergymen would be extradited to New Zealand to face child abuse charges.

The trio -- two brothers and a priest -- face 64 charges of sexual abuse of students at Christchurch's Marylands school, which was run by the St John of God order between 1955 and its closure 30 years later.

Magistrate Hugh Dillon heard final submissions in Downing Centre Local Court yesterday from lawyers for the three men and the Australian Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions, which is seeking to extradite the trio, aged 82, 69 and 57, on behalf of New Zealand.

The men were arrested just after Christmas last year, but their case has been bogged down by a logjam in the Sydney courts and by complex legal arguments. Dillon said at the beginning of the week he had hoped to give his decision this week, but it became apparent yesterday that he would run out of time.

Counsel for the two brothers, Paul Byrne, said the intention of New Zealand police to have joint trials against his clients and the long delay in bringing the charges were prejudicial to them.

For the Commonwealth, Ian Bourke said matters of fairness and how the trials were to be held were the domain of a trial judge, not a magistrate in extradition proceedings.