Allegations of Abuse

in churches & institutions

News Reports - 2004 (July-Dec)

This page last updated Feb 15 2005

2004-1224 - The Press - Extradition ruling delay
A Sydney magistrate said yesterday that he would hand down a decision in mid- February as to whether three St John of God clergymen would be extradited to New Zealand to face child abuse charges. The trio -- two brothers and a priest -- face 64 charges of sexual abuse of students at Christchurch's Marylands school, which was run by the St John of God order between 1955 and its closure 30 years later.

2004-0924 - The Press - Indecency charges
A former St John of God brother has been committed for trial on three counts of inducing an indecent act, after a short depositions hearing in the Christchurch District Court yesterday. Bernard Kevin McGrath faces three charges of inducing a boy under 16 to do an indecent act, allegedly committed between February and June 1977.

2004-0904 - The Press - Alleged victims use compensation to track priests
by Yvonne Martin - Money from a Catholic Order is being used to hire a private investigator to track errant priests and brothers. The search is being driven by five men who claim they were abused as boys by clergy visiting their Christchurch orphanage run by the Sisters of Nazareth. They are hiring a private eye to find the alleged offenders using compensation money about to be paid by the nuns. The five claim they were abused by unidentified priests or brothers who visited St Joseph's Orphanage in Halswell to take Mass and hear confessions in the 1950s and 1960s.

2004-0901 - The Press - Child sex inquiry slams churches, State
by Sean Scanlon - Canterbury victims of child sex abuse are buoyed by an Australian report damning churches and State institutions. A report presented to the Australian Senate this week found governments, churches and care agencies had shown a "complete lack of understanding or ... responsibility for the level of neglect, abuse and assault that occurred in their institutions".

2004-0711 - Sunday Star Times - The curse among the clergy
by Sarah Stuart - Sexual abuse by Catholic priests seems to be the new white collar crime and, as SARAH STUART reports, genuine clergy are having to pay for the sins of a few.

2004-0710 - NZ Herald - Patients lived in fear of 'The Treatment'
by Phil Taylor - Brutal treatment of patients was the culture of the Porirua Mental Hospital in the 1960s, four former workers have said. The four women told the Weekend Herald that electric shock treatment was routinely used as punishment and patients were drugged into zombie-like states to make them more manageable. The women - students at the time - said part of their duties was to hold patients down while shock treatment was applied.

2004-0709 - One News - Children's home abuse investigated
A top Wellington police officer is to head an investigation into mulitiple complaints of sexual abuse against a man who ran a children's home in Wellington nearly 50 years ago. The accusations are against Walter Lake, 83, a justice of the peace who headed the Presbyterian church's Berhampore childen's home in the 1950s and 1960s. Kathleen Batchelor is one of at least seven people who claim Lake, the former head of the Presbyterian church's social services division, sexually assaulted them when they were children in his care.

2004-0703 - Nelson Mail - Patient abuse claims on rise
by Sheriee Smith - Complaints of serious mistreatment of patients at Ngawhatu Psychiatric Hospital are mounting. Since the Government announced last month it was looking at more than 200 complaints of abuse at psychiatric hospitals around New Zealand, nine former patients at Nelson's Ngawhatu Hospital have lodged claims with Wellington lawyer Roger Chapman.