The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

1992 Documents

Christchurch City Council Correspondence

This page last updated March 13 2005

Sept 30 1992 - Memo by Mike Richardson    (50KB  pdf file)
Mike Richardson, (Group Manager Development) writes to John Gray. 

Richardson proposes to provide no information in response to a request from the Union for information. He declares the matter "not urgent"

Of more concern to Richardson is how the Council should deal with a Personal Grievance claim from ten staff. He proposes delaying responding for as long as possible; reflects that they are unlikely to be insured; and calls a meeting to discuss the matter. Those invited, or available to attend include John Gray, Rob Dally, Peter Mitchell, Martin Maguire, Marshall Wright and Alistair Graham.

Nov 18 1992 - Memo by Alistair Graham    (35KB  pdf file)
Alistair Graham, (Acting Group Manager Metropolitan Services) writes to the City Manager.

The document shows that the Council was not acting in a neutral way, but working with the Crown Solicitor when considering requests for information from Ellis defence team.

Alistair Graham notes that information has been given to Amanda Cropp before instruction by Crown Solicitor to give out no more information.  He refers to clearing information however that he considers favourable to the Council

Alistair Graham advises that Gen Crossen will cease employment in December, but may be reemployed during the trial.

Nov 25 1992 - Memo by Rob Dally    (27KB  pdf file)
Rob Dally, (Group Manager Metropolitan Services) writes to the City Manager.

Rob Dally advises that information that has been "approved" by the Crown Solicitor, and "viewed" by the Police is to be released.

Rob Dally refers to a discussion about a Sunday Times report that was based on information they had provided before they instituted a policy of giving out no information.  He notes that the "report was more positive than the writer clearly intended"