The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

1992 Documents

The Gen Crossen Files

This page last updated June 25 2007

1993-0331 - Christchurch City Council Order   (pdf 324 KB)
Christchurch City Council: Purchase order for purchase of services of Social Worker

1993-0205 - NZ Police - Letter by Gen Crossen   (pdf 92 KB)
Letter from Gen Crossen (NZ Police Header) to Christchurch City Council, as her contract expires: "Although the past nine months have been extremely stressful and painful, I believe the role I have undertaken has been vital and I hope has helped in the healing process"

1992-1214 - Letter by Gen Crossen to Creche families   (pdf 122 KB)
Letter from Gen Crossen to Creche Support Group members: "As you are probably aware, the depositions hearing is going on at the moment at the Tribunal Room, Christchurch District Court. This is no doubt a stressful time for all families involved, however, things are going as well as can be expected under the circumstances."

1992-1207 - Letter by Helen Campbell about supervision of Gen Crossen   (pdf 95 KB)
"I feel satisfied that [Gen Crossen] is working well, in a consistently supportive and ethical way with those families she is seeing. The supervision has been an important time for her to look at her own feelings and workload related to this very difficult situation."

1992-1200 - Gen Crossen: Report to December 1992   (pdf 252 KB)
"In my assessment social work support for families involved in the Civic Creche enquiry has been essential. These families have experienced a tragic crisis in their lives that under normal circumstances would never have been remotely envisaged. The events that have allegedly occirred have destroyed their confidence in their own judgement, their faith in other trusted people and in the system generally. Social work support has, I believe, helped in the healing process for these families........I recommend that, should resources be available, ongoing social work support be extended next year during the court process.

1992-1023 - NZ Police - Crossen requests leave   (pdf 128 KB)
Letter by Gen Crossen (NZ Police Header). Requesting leave.

1992-1000 - City Council notes about Crossen employment   (pdf 79 KB)
Gen Crossen finishes end of October ... Will be available to parents - hourly charge to CCC....

1992-0930 - Letter by Janet Biswell of NZCYP Service   (pdf 104 KB)
Reporting resolutions of meeting with representatives from the Police, NZCYP and the City Council. Gen Crossen's position to be reviewed by Council. At present she has a completion date of 31 October 1992

1992-0831 - Gen Crossen: Report for month of August 1992   (pdf 111 KB)
Support groups are generally going very well. The clients find these groups very helpful and are pleased that these are now operating on a regular basis. Although the number attending are relatively small ....."

1992-0717 - Memo from Alistair Graham to CCC Treasury   (pdf 92 KB)
Request for payment to "Specialist Services Unit, DSW" for supervision of social worker and costs

1992-0629 - NZCYP - Letter by Gen Crossen to Martin McGuire   (pdf 105 KB)
Highlighting her concerns about "parent's unresolved anger against the City Council management and Civic Creche staff. Parents are requesting a forum, and Gen Crossen "urges" Martin McGuire to have counselling to "assist withthis process". She has "taken the liberty of discussing her ideas with a recommended counsellor, and believes the foolowing topics would be useful in counsellinf:

1.  Personal feeling and thoughts related to the inquiry
2.  General education on sexual abuse
3.  Identification of organisational responsibilities
4.  Planning strategies for handling parents meeting

1992-0619 - Gen Crossen: Report for first month to 19 June 1992   (pdf 188 KB)
Includes recommendations:
1.  Ongoing social work contact be maintained
2.  Support groups for families be established
3.  Mobile library be established
4.  Meeting of parents with City Council staff be held
5.  Meeting of parents with Police Child abuse unit be held

1992-0500 - Christchurch City Council - Draft Notes   (pdf 89 KB)
Undated, Actions being undertaken by the City Council

1992-0500 - Christchurch City Council: Social Worker Key Tasks   (pdf 197 KB)
Job descriptions for planned
"Operations Support Social Worker"
"Counslling Support Coordinator"
"Prosecution Support Social Worker"