The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

1992 Documents

Christchurch City Council : Letters to Parents & Invitation to Meeting 31 March 1992

This page last updated September 7 2005

1992-0407 - CCC - Letter to parents who did not attend 31 March meeting
In March we wrote to all parents whose children attended the Civic Childcare Centre between September 1986 and mid November 1991, to inform them of a current Police investigation of allegations of sexual abuse against a former staff member of the centre. ….. We note from our records that you did not attend this meeting (of 31 March).  We believe that it is important that you receive the information that was presented at this meeting so that you may choose whether or not to take further action

1992-0331 - CCC - Information Sheet 1
Handout to those at 31 March Meeting:
Information about the investigation

1992-0331 - CCC - Information Sheet 2
Handout to those at 31 March Meeting:
Information Chart

New September 7 2005

1992-0331 - CCC - Information Sheet 3 - Version 1
Handout to those at 31 March Meeting:
"What to do when a child tells of his or her abuse"

1992-0331 - CCC - Information Sheet 3 - Version 2
Handout to those at 31 March Meeting:
"What to do if a child tells of his or her abuse"

Interesting two versions of the same document because of the differences between the two.  The first document has the "when" crossed out, and the word "if" handwritten, implying that it was the original document.  It was released under the Official Information Act, implying that it was probably the actual document handed out at the meeting

1992-0331 - CCC - Information Sheet 4
Handout to those at 31 March Meeting:
ACC Information for victims of sexual abuse

1992-0320 - CCC - Letter to parents, Invitation to meeting
The Christchurch Police are currently investigating allegations of sexual abuse against a long term former staff member of the Civic Child Care Centre. While we do nt wish to cause undue alarm, this matter is being taken seriously. Our records indicate that this person was possibly employed during the time your child was attending the centre. Because of the large number of people this may affect, a meeting is being organized to give information in relation to the investigation.

The meeting is to be held in the Hall of the Knox Centre, 28 Bealey Avenue. It is at 7.30pm on Tuesday, 31st March 1992.