The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

Documents Main Index

1993 Documents

This page last updated July 2 2007

1 July 1993 - Letter - John Banks to Gaye Davidson   (pdf 66 kB)
John Banks - Minister of Police
Gaye Davidson - Christchurch

"From my knowledge of the circumstances and the decisions of the courts, I am of the opinion that there is no requirement or justification for an official inquiry"

What is Banks "knowledge of the circumstances" over and above the court processes?    

"The contents of the recently released Christchurch City Council report into the operation of the Centre is strongly adverse"

The Educational Review Office report was strongly favorable.  Rosemary Frances Smart's report was untested and prejudicial. Is this a case of listening only to evidence that Banks wants to hear?   

"I cannot for the life of me understand why you and your friends continue to support this convicted child molester…………..I simply do not believe that this five year reign of terror by one of your co-workers continued by instalment almost daily without being noticed by others"

Banks seems to have only considered the possibility that Ellis was guilty, and therefore the "others" he refers to are complicit in that guilt. The more obvious conclusion that he could have come to is that such a "reign of terror" never occurred at all.   

29 June 1993 - Letter - Martin Maguire re Creche Closure  (pdf 44 kB)
Martin Maguire - City Council: Senior Community Development Adviser

Martin Maguire responds to questions about Maguire's role in the production of the Rosemary Frances Smart report on the Crèche
( Link to Rosemary Frances Smart's July 1992 report )

Martin Maguire:
"I collaborated with Ms Smart on her report"
"The report is not a treatise on sexual abuse"

25 June 1993 - Letter Smith to Davidson    (pdf 76 kB)
Dr Lockwood Smith, Minister of Education
Gaye Davidson, Spokesperson, Civic Childcare Inquiry Organisation

The Ministry of Education has determined that, in taking account of the findings of the "Review of the Management Policy and Practices of the Civic Childcare Centre July 1992" commissioned by the Christchurch City Council, and the comments made by Justice Williamson in the summation of the case, further investigations would serve no purpose.

Smith ignores consideration of the favorable ERO report, and yet gives credence to the untested report of one person - Rosemary Frances Smart.  The witchhunt at it's finest - ignore any evidence that does not fit a diagnosis of guilt.   

1993-03/06 - Oral Judgments of Judge Williamson

1993-05/06 The Trial Transcripts

11 February 1993 - Judgment of Judge E B Anderson  
 (pdf 29 kB)     New July 2 2007
Deposition Hearing