The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

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This page last updated April 30 2009


·           Correspondence by Researcher Ross Francis to Minister of Justice and Law Commission concerning the Peter Ellis case
Jan 2008 - Letter to the Law Commission from Ross Francis
Feb 2008 - Reply to Nov 2007 letter from Chief Legal Counsel, Jeff Orr
Mar 2008 - Reply to Nov 2007 letter from Minister of Justice, Rick Barker
Mar 2008 - Letter to the Minister of Justice, Rick Barker from Ross Francis
Apr 2008 - Letter to CEO Ministry Justice, Belinda Clark from Ross Francis

·           Oct 2008 - Letter to Ross Francis from Jeff Orr - Advice to Minister of Justice from Ministry of Justice on the merits of a Commission of Inquiry



·           Nov 2007 - Research published by Ross Francis
“New Evidence in the Peter Ellis case”

·           Nov 2007 - Letter by Ross Francis to Minister of Justice outlining his concerns about the Peter Ellis case, and asking questions about Inquiries into the case

·           Nov 2007 - Letter by Ross Francis to Eichelbaum advisor Val Sim, with questions about her role in that inquiry


·           Aug 2005 - The Petition of Lynley Hood, Don Brash and others
Members of Select Committee
Report of Select Committee
Reaction to the Report

·           Aug 2005 - Draft Report into Recovered Memory Therapy
Health Commissioner, Victoria, Australia



·           Critique of the Eichelbaum Report  - by Jonathon Harper and Richard Christie

·           Letter from Minister Justice - answering queries on Eichelbaum Inquiry



·           Broadcasting Standards complaint by Lynley Hood  about interview conducted by Brian Edwards

·           The Petition of Lynley Hood, Don Brash and others. Response by Ministry of Justice





·           Minister Justice Goff declines application for a pardon for Ellis

·           The Eichelbaum Report - Ministerial Inquiry



·           Eichelbaum Inquiry Submissions on behalf of Ellis, the Crown, the Parents and the Commissioner for Children

·           Eichelbaum Inquiry Correspondence, primarily between Eichelbaum and Justice Department employees Val Sim and Michael Petherick, who had a significant but undeclared role in the inquiry.  Why the Eichelbaum Inquiry is a scandal.

·           March 2000 - Phil Goff refuses release of the Thorp Report

·           March 2000 - Cabinet Policy Committee; Options for further inquiry into the Ellis case
Papers by Margaret Wilson, Colin Keating, and Phil Goff      



·           Appeal Court Judgment, The Queen vs Peter Ellis -
"The appeal is dismissed"

·           Lianne Dalziel, Phil Goff and Gerry Brownlee respond to call for Commission of Inquiry

·           Colin Eade - Press Council complaint not upheld

·           Court of Appeal - Reference

·           Court of Appeal - Affidavit of Michael Lamb 21 April

·           Court of Appeal - Affidavit of Constance Dalenberg 7 June

·           Court of Appeal - Affidavit of Michael Lamb 22 June

·           The Thorp Report - Opinion for the Secretary of Justice

·           Dr Michael Lamb answers questions by Sir Thomas Thorp, endorsing the opinions of New Zealander Dr Barry Parsonson    New April 2009



·           Appeal Court Judgments, rejecting applications for bail

·           Michael Lamb and Professor Bull write to Judith Ablett Kerr endorsing the reports written by New Zealander Dr Barry Parsonson    New April 2009

·           May - NZ Press Council Complaint, by parents of complainant, Complaint not upheld

·           BSA Complaint, by Child Advocacy Trust  

·           Employment Case correspondence: Official Information Request, for brief of evidence of Bede Cooper





·           Appeal Court Judgment; Christchurch City Council v Davidson and others

·           Employment Case Correspondence: In which Tom Weston explains why he did not call Bede Cooper as a witness



·           Employment Case Correspondence: Correspondence between Ministry Education, Christchurch Council lawyers. Brief iof Evidence of Bede Cooper

·           "Joy Bander" and Pat Havighurst request 9 year old "Tommy Bander"'s evidentiary tapes for his "healing"

·           G K Pankhurst QC writes to the Minister of Police and Attorney General with concerns about the case

·           Paul East, Attorney General write to Gaye Davidson wiping the government's hands of the case

·           Professor Stephen Ceci of Cornell University reviews information on the case sent to him by journalist David McLoughlin



·           Court of Appeal Judgment.  om and prior letter and report relating to retraction of evidence by key complainant.

·           Queries on the role of Rosemary Frances Smart and her report - from the Police, the Ministry Education and the Commissioner for Children

·           End Ritual Abuse Society, Christchurch; Official Documents, find out who these people were and what they believed



·           July 1993 - John Banks (Minister Police) says he has more knowledge of the circumstances than the court processes. He colourfully makes his firmly held belief of guilt very explicit!

·           June 1993 - Martin Maguire (City Council) discloses that he collaborated on the Rosemary Frances Smart report

·           June 1993 - Lockwood Smith (Minister of Education) dismissing need for investigation of crèche suspension of licence

·           March to June 1993 - Judge Williamson
Oral Judgments

·           Trial Transcripts (in progress)
Neville Barry Jenkins
Karen Deborah Zelas
Keith LePage

·           Feb 1993 - Deposition Hearing Judgment by Judge Anderson  



·           New Evidence! - A Crown letter the jury never got to see! 
Letter from Karen Zelas to the police.

·           Evidence of Satanic Ritual Abuse hysteria being involved in the investigation      

·           September 2 MOE-CCC meeting minute sheets discussing closure of the Crèche

·           July 1992 - Review of Management Policy and Practices of the Civic Childcare Centre - by Rosemary Smart

·           Correspondence between the Christchurch City Council and ACC, in which ACC outlines the conditions under which parents can claim $10000 for claims of sexual abuse by their children

·           Search Warrants and Affidavits, served on Lesley Ellis and 404 Hereford Street

·           Heather's support for Peter Ellis.  A "friend" of Ellis writes to him providing support, then later writes withdrawing the support.

·           June - Complainant AD writes to Gaye Davidson

·           May 1992 - March 1993: Gen Crossen employment documents, reports etc

·           TVNZ responds to Lianne Dalziel

·           Mike Richardson, Alistair Graham and Rob Dally - Internal Christchurch City Council Memos - Council response to Crisis

·           March/April  Christchurch City Council
Letters to Parents and Information Pack

·           March  Prime Minister requests information on Creche staff

·           March … Letter from "Grandmother Walnut" to the Mayor of Christchurch 
More of an insight into the hysteria of the time

·           March … Letters by Ellis lawyer Chris Knight to the Police

·           March - Complainant KG leaves crèche - Letter of thanks



·           20 Dec 1991 Letter from Colin Eade (NZ Police) to City Council closing inquiry     

·           4 Dec 1991 City Council Meeting Minutes on Crèche

·           27 Nov 1991 - A letter from Ellis lawyer, Chris Knight to Mrs "Magnolia" (pseudonym of parent from "A City Possessed")

·           25-29 Nov 1991 - Education Review Office Report on the crèche

·           Layout Plans of the crèche

·           Photos and Plans of 404 Hereford Street







·           Incorporation Documents for "Sexual Abuse Therapy and Rehabilitation Society" including members associated with Glenelg Health Camp and Christchurch Ward 24





·           Peter Ellis Crèche Employment History. Documentation proves that a 2003 accusation against Peter Ellis was a false allegation


Official Information Request

The Ministry of Justice express their views about an Inquiry into the Case
Attempt to withhold their view from the public

March 2000; Ministry Justice write about the possibility of an inquiry into the Ellis case:
"It has to be acknowledged, however, that such an inquiry is unlikely to be able to arrive at the truth and, whatever its findings, may fail to satisfy current public doubts"

June 2003; Official Information Request by Katherine Rich MP

Aug 2003; Ministry of Justice withholds their view expressed above

Dec 2003; Chief Ombudsman rules against Ministry of Justice

Jan 2004; Ministry of Justice releases information

Feb 2004; Ministry of Justice accused of having a "vested interest"


The Royal Prerogative of Mercy

1. Ministry of Justice Discussion Paper:  Ministry of Justice, 2003  (320 KB)
2. Comments on a Ministry of Justice Discussion Paper: Comments by Lynley Hood, May 14, 2003
3. Herald News Report with intentions of Phil Goff   Herald, Jan 3, 2004


The "Recurring" New Allegation

25 Aug 2003: Radio New Zealand: Linda Clark interviews Nathan
Transcript of a Radio New Zealand interview in which "Nathan" and his mother make abuse allegations against Peter Ellis

28 Sept 2003: Copy of Formal Complaint to Radio New Zealand 
by Alan Wilkinson: The complaint is that the programme segment subject to this complaint breached the requirement of the Broadcasting Act 1985 to maintain standards of balance, fairness and accuracy

22 Oct 2003:  Response by National radio
28 Oct 2003:  Reply by Alan Wilkinson

"Fell off the back of a truck"

14/9/1992: ACC guidelines on how to get money
"We need information (normally a counsellor's report) which provides persuasive evidence that an event has occurred which is "covered" under the ACC legislation. Note that the level of evidence is persuasion rather than the level of proof required for a Court of law".