The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

1994 Documents

Court of Appeal


This page last updated June 9 2009

1994-0801 - Letter - G K Pankhurst   (pdf file 2 pages 74 KB)
G K Pankhurst, QC (Counsel for Peter Ellis)
to Nicholas Till, Barrister  (Counsel for Court)

Requesting report for the Court of Appeal, dealing with the retraction of "Zelda"  (Pseudonym from "A City Possessed")

1994-0802 - Report - Nicholas Till   (pdf file 5 pages 237 KB)    New June 2009
Nicholas Till, Barrister
Court of Appeal
The Queen v Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis
Second Report of Counsel appointed by the Court

Report of interviews with "Zelda" (Pseudonym from "A City Possessed") and her mother, carried out on August 2, 1994


1994-0908 - Court Appeal Judgment   (pdf file 44 pages 1793 KB)
Coram:  Cooke P; Casey J; Gault J
Judgment delivered by Casey J

"……..we are satisfied that none of the grounds of appeal has been made out, but because of the doubts raised by child A's subsequent retraction, the appeal is allowed in respect of counts 1, 2 and 3. In respect of the other counts it is dismissed."


Links to individual sections of judgment

Part 1  (21KB)       Introduction


Part 2  (21KB)       Conviction Appeal Grounds

                            "Circumstantial" Improbability

Part 3  (19KB)       The Interview Process

Part 4  (48KB)       The Children's Evidence

Part 5  (44KB)       Conclusion on 1st Ground

                            Child A's retraction

                            Miscarriage of Justice

                            Conclusion on Conviction Appeals

                            Sentence Appeal