The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

Documents Main Index

1994 Documents

This page last updated Jan 17 2006

September 1994 - Court of Appeal Judgment

·           August 1 1994
Letter from Panckhurst to Counsel for the Court

·           August 2 1994
Report from Court Counsel on retraction by key complainant

·           September 8 1994 
Court Judgment

Requests for Information about role of Rosemary Frances Smart

·           February 21 1994
Letter from Kathy Phillips; National Operations, Ministry of Education

·           February 22 1994
letter from Gregory Heath (Detective Sergeant NZ Police)

·           March 3 1994 
Letter from Paul Fitzharris (Superintendent NZ Police)

·           March 7 1994   
Letter from Ian Hassall (Commissioner for Children)

ERA - End Ritual Abuse Society Official Documents

There were widespread beliefs in the early 1990's about the existence of Satanic Abuse, Ritual abuse and its supposed association with child sexual abuse. These beliefs played a significant role in the prosecution of Peter Ellis.

·           Official Documents detailing information about the "End Ritual Abuse Society", who the key members were, the Society rules and what members had to believe to belong to the society.

ERA - End Ritual Abuse Society Newsletters 1994-1996

To be added …. Gain an insight into this groups beliefs….