The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

Documents Main Index

1999 Documents

This page last updated April 30 2009

1999-1014 - Appeal Court - Judgement - Queen v Ellis

"The 1999 Appeal"
Richardson, Gault, Henry, Thomas and Tipping - For the reasons stated, we are not persuaded that any individual ground of appeal has been made out.  Neither are we persuaded that their cumulative effect constitutes a miscarriage of justice.  The appeal is therefore dismissed.

1999 October - MP Responses to Call for Commission of Inquiry

1999-1005 - Letter from Lianne Dalziel to Lesley Ellis        (pdf 22 kB)

1999-1011 - Letter from Gerry Brownlee to Ron Mark        (pdf 32 kB)

1999-1012 - Letter from Gerry Brownlee to Lesley Ellis      (pdf 25 kB)

1999-1020 - Letter from Phil Goff to Lesley Ellis                (pdf 34 kB)


1999-1000 - The Press Council - Colin Eade against the NZ Listener

The New Zealand Press Council has declined to uphold a complaint from Colin Eade of Bryndwyr, Christchurch, against the New Zealand Listener magazine. Mr Eade made serious allegations about a lengthy article in the magazine of 3 April, headed “A mother’s son.” The Council found the complaints could not be sustained.

1999 - Affidavits by Expert witnesses for Court of Appeal

The following documents are faithful copies of the original documents. They have been copied because the originals that were supplied were in a state that made acceptable text recognition impossible. Names have also been changed (and highlighted in yellow) where name suppression has been granted by the court. Names are as used in the book "A City Possessed" by Dr Lynley Hood

1999-0421 - Affidavit - Michael Lamb                    (pdf 192 kB)

1999-0607 - Affidavit - Constance Dalenberg         (pdf 94 kB)

1999-0622 - Affidavit - Michael Lamb                    (pdf 60 kB)


1999-0512 - Court of Appeal - Reference

His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council,-

a)  Refers the question of the 13 convictions of Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis for sexual offences against children to the Court of Appeal for hearing and determination. The background to, and the reasons for, the reference appear in the Schedule …….

1999-0300 - Sir Thomas Thorp - Opinion for the Secretary of Justice

"The Thorp Report"

Question 1 - Do the Contents of the Second Petition Require the Enlargement of the Existing Reference?  
Answer - Yes.

Question 2 - Should the Grant of a Pardon be Considered while the Petitioner's Case is Before the Court of Appeal?   Answer - No.

Question 3 - "The Application for a Free Pardon Itself'  
Answer - Particularly having regard to my answer to Question 2, I do not believe it would be appropriate to express any firm view at this time.

1999-0318 - Michael Lamb - Opinion for Sir Thomas Thorp    (new April 30 2009)

Michael Lamb responds to questions from Sir Thomas Thorp, whether he agrees with the views and conclusions of Dr Parsonson that
1.  Child interviewing techniques have become better understood since 1991/1992?
2.  The interview techniques adopted in 1991/1992 accord with current standards?
3.  The risks of contamination of the children’s evidence were underestimated?
4.  The circumstances of the case increased the risk of contamination and called for special action by the interviewers;

Michael Lamb explains his general endorsement of the views of Dr Parsonson.