The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

2000 Documents

Submissions to Eichelbaum Inquiry: Index


Submission on behalf of the Parents

Note: The following files are in Acrobat (pdf) format
They should be opened by right clicking the link, and saving the file to disk

Link (116KB)

Part 1      Introduction

Link (567KB)

Part 2      Contamination : Specific Issues

               2.1     Best Practices

               2.2     Mass Allegations

               2.3     Parental Questioning

               2.4     Parent/Parent Contamination

               2.5     Official meetings

Link (254KB)

Part 3      Individual Cases

               3.1     Child "O"

Link (393KB)

               3.2     Child "S"

Link (207KB)

               3.3     Child "Y"

Link (313KB)

               3.4     Child "R"

Link (146KB)

               3.5     Child "U" and "W"

Link (231KB)

               3.6     Child "P" and "Q"

Link (211KB)

               3.7     Child "V" and her sister "VV"

Link (121KB)

Part 4      Conclusion