The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

2000 Documents

Submissions to Eichelbaum Inquiry


July 2000 - Submission on behalf of Peter Ellis

Dear Sir Thomas, I enclose my submissions to your Inquiry on behalf of Mr Ellis. I have assumed that the Ministry of Justice will have provided you with the exhibits attached to my Third Petition and in the interests of economy, the natural resources of New Zealand, and the avoidance of you being like myself literally swamped by paper, I have chosen not to send further copies with these Submissions.

July 2000 - Submission from Commissioner for Children
The Office of the Commissioner for Children is pleased to have the opportunity to provide input into this very important Ministerial Inquiry. ………We think it is regrettable that such an inquiry needs to be conducted. It is undoubtedly traumatic for the children and families involved in the creche case to have to revisit the tragic events of ten years ago when they are now reaching the vulnerable stage of adolescence. ………

July 2000 - Submission from Crown Law
Dear Sir Thomas, I enclose two copies of the submissions and materials. The submissions focus very much on the Terms of Reference. Accordingly they do not traverse current arrangements for such investigations, nor do they cover current training approaches undertaken by both Child Youth and Family Services, and the Police. If you want material on that, please advise……

July 2000 - Submission on behalf of the Parents
These submissions are filed on behalf of some of the parents. No instructions have been received by the remaining two sets of parents (parents of X and Z). The parents of complainants of X and Z have, for personal reasons chosen not to be involved in this formal representation.