Lynley Hood
PO Box 2041

phone: +64 3 487 7686
fax: +64 3 487 8454

[email protected]

September 11, 2003

Mr Ian Fraser
Chief Executive TVNZ
PO Box 3819,

Dear Mr Fraser

Broadcasting Standards Complaint
Edwards at Large - 16 August 2003

This is a formal complaint under the Free To Air Television Code of Broadcasting Practice. My complaint is that the first segment of Edwards at Large on Saturday 16 August, in which I was interviewed by Dr Brian Edwards, breached the following standards of the code:

Standard 4 (Balance), Guideline 4a:
Programmes which deal with political matters, current affairs, and questions of a controversial nature, must show balance and impartiality; and

Standard 6 (Fairness), Guideline 6b:
Contributors and participants in any programme should be dealt with fairly and should, except as required in the public interest, be informed of the reason for their proposed contribution and participation and the role that is expected of them.

In summary, my complaint is that I was ambushed into taking part in an interview that was no more than a sustained attack on my character and credibility, and that in making that attack Dr Edwards did not act as an independent and impartial broadcaster.

I am enclosing a copy of the interview transcript
[Appendix 1]. [Note 1]  However, to grasp the unremitting nastiness of Edwards' hectoring, sneering tone, and his efforts to stop me putting my side of the story, a videotape of the interview needs to be viewed.

I am also enclosing extracts from a television review and comments posted on the nz.general and nz.politics newsgroups. These show that viewers were in no doubt that Edwards' grossly unprofessional conduct was politically motivated
. [Appendix 2]

Background to the Interview

The Christchurch Civic Creche case was one of the most expensive, extensive and controversial criminal cases in
New Zealand history.

On 1 October 2001 my book A City Possessed: the Christchurch Civic Creche case: Child Abuse, Gender Politics & the Law was published. During the seven years I spent researching and writing the book, the case was rarely out of the spotlight. Nonetheless, I declined all invitations to comment in the media, and gave no interviews of any sort during that time. This was because I wanted to be sure that my facts were right and my analysis would withstand critical scrutiny before I went public with my findings.

At the time of publication, Joan McKenzie, national book manager for Whitcoulls, described A City Possessed as 'the most important New Zealand book to be published here in recent times'. The book went straight to the top of the bestseller list. Legal authorities endorsed its findings. Bernard Robertson, editor of the New Zealand Law Journal wrote: 'It raises questions about our legal system which must be addressed.'

Despite the acclaim, A City Possessed was ignored by TVNZ until - 10 months after publication - the book won the History Award, the Montana Medal for Non-Fiction and the Readers' Choice Award at the 2002 Montana NZ Book Awards. Since then I have made a few brief appearances on TVNZ. On these occasions the content of my book has received only passing mention.

On 24 June 2003, an 807-signature petition was presented to parliament calling for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Civic Creche case. At the same time a list of 140 prominent signatories was released to the media, and, in response to public demand, a second, identical, petition was opened.

Throughout these events, Minister of Justice Phil Goff has vigorously and repeatedly rejected the findings in A City Possessed, and the calls for a Commission of Inquiry into the creche case that have gathered force since its publication.

Events leading up to the Interview

On 25 June 2003, I received this email from a reader of A City Possessed:

            ".....Brian Edwards was also on Holmes this morning at about
8.25 a.m., making a very clear and definitive statement in support of [convicted Civic Creche worker] Peter Ellis, which I thought was very effective...."

Prompted by that message, I emailed Dr Edwards on 26 June, and invited him to sign the petition. On 28 June, he replied:

            "I'll be delighted to help, Lynley, to sign the petition and to add my name to any list. I'm also very interested in having you on my new TV talk-show. Judy or I will be in touch. Unbelievably stupid editorial in today's Herald."

I replied the same day:

            "Thanks Brian, we'll add your name to the list & look forward to receiving the signed petition. I'll be delighted (and honoured) to appear on your new show. I'll be out of the country 30 June to 7 July, but will be available more or less any time after that. Yes, that is a stupid editorial in the Herald. It could have been written by Sir Thomas Eichelbaum himself (maybe it was!). There have been wonderful editorials in other daily papers over the past couple of weeks."

I sent Dr Edwards two further emails: one advising that I would be in
Auckland on 16 August; another asking whether he had received the petition (having discovered that it had not been returned). Apart from a request for my phone number, I received no response.

The arrangements for me to appear on Edwards at Large were made by phone. I was aware that Edwards had claimed that he had mellowed as an interviewer, and that the show was supposed to be lifestyle programme. I was also aware from his earlier National Radio show that his interviews were well researched, and that he was interested in the lives and ideas of his interview subjects. When Edwards told me that he would be 'playing devil's advocate', I realised that he intended to stray into current affairs. I was therefore looking forward to a lively interview that would canvas, for the first time on TVNZ, some of the important issues raised in A City Possessed.

The basis for my complaint under Standard 6 of the code (Fairness) is that Dr Edwards not only failed to warn me to expect an unrelentingly hostile interview, he led me to believe that the interview would be essentially sympathetic.

The Interview

The reasons for my complaint under Standard 4 of the code (Balance), are as follows:

1.         Edwards' sustained hostility cannot be explained by incompetence, negligence or inexperience. He is a veteran broadcaster. He knows how interviews should be conducted. He knew exactly what he was doing. I am therefore bound to conclude that it was a premeditated attack.

2.         Edwards' list of questions was prepared in advance. It became obvious during the interview that this much-hyped broadcaster had not even read the sections of A City Possessed that related to the points he raised. It seems reasonable to suppose that if he was remotely interested in discussing the book he would have read it - or at least substantial parts of it - first. His failure to do suggests that the sole purpose of the interview was to do a hatchet job on me.

3.         Edwards normally prepares for his interviews by reading relevant reviews, commentaries and interviews in the print media. If he had done his homework in my case, he would have known that the claims he made about alleged flaws in my work were unfounded. If he had not done his homework, he would not have known whether the were unfounded or not. Either way, his failure to take this background material into account shows that he never had any intention of conducting a fair and balanced interview.

4.         Having failed to read, or even read about, A City Possessed, Edwards appears to have depended on persons hostile to the book to direct him to random sections of text. During the interview, he took these sections out of context and misrepresented them to me in a disjointed series of aggressive assertions. When I attempted to respond, he talked over me. When I pointed out that he was wrong, he either ignored my points or responded with scorn and derision.

5.         At no stage did Edwards address any of the issues of real importance raised by A City Possessed - issues that, had he read any of the published reviews, commentaries and interviews, he could have identified with ease. These include, among other things, questions concerning the nature, causes and effects of sex abuse hysteria and false allegations, the manner in which sex abuse allegations are investigated and prosecuted, and the ways in which miscarriages of justice are recognised and corrected.

6.         A detailed analysis of the interview is attached
[Appendix 3].

Dr Edwards' Political Agenda

Shortly after my appearance on Edwards, I learnt that Minister of Justice Phil Goff had made negative comments about the creche case to Dr Edwards, and that these comments had prejudiced Edwards' view of the case.

Evidence that Edwards was subject to political influence on the topic of his interview with me may not fall strictly within the ambit of a BSA complaint. However, when the manifestly unfair and unbalanced interview is considered in the light of Edwards' role as paid media advisor to the Prime Minister and her ministers (one of whom has taken a strong political stance against the findings of my book), it adds weight to the widespread concern that, because of his close connections with government, Edwards is not, and cannot be, an independent and impartial broadcaster.

I look forward to your reply

Yours sincerely

Lynley Hood


Note 1
Appendix 1 shows the transcript of the Edwards at Large programme,
but the copy detailed on the web does not (yet) include the line numbers
referred to by Lynley Hood in her letter of complaint.