The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

Documents Main Index

2008 Documents

This page last updated Dec 16 2008





October 2008 - Ministry of Justice advice to Rick Barker exposed


This site has obtained a copy of a letter from Jeff Orr, the Chief Legal Counsel, outlining advice from the Ministry of Justice to the Associate Minister of Justice, Hon Rick Barker of “the benefits that might be expected to accrue from conducting a commission of inquiry into the Peter Ellis case”


The full text of the briefing has been provided exposing what this site considers is the totally inadequate advice to the Minister


2008-1014 - Ministry Justice advice to Associate Minister of Justice on holding a Commission of Inquiry







Val Sim

New Evidence in the Peter Ellis case; 
Research Correspondence; Ross Francis

November 2007
Researcher Ross Francis writes to Val Sim with queries:

·                Does Val Sim know how Louise Sas came to be nominated in the Eichelbaum inquiry?

·                Why does Val Sim believe that Profesor Stephen Ceci was unworthy of selection as an international expert?

·                Did Val Sim suggest to Eichelbaum that he should appoint more than two experts?

·                Did Val Sim know of the close friendship between Ellis judge Neil Williamson and Eichelbaum, when she recommended Eichelbaum as head of the Ministerial inquiry?

·                At the time of the inquiry did Val Sim believe the convictions of Ellis to be safe, given her concerns for participants for the prosecution?

2007-1114 - Letter by Ross Francis to Eichelbaum Inquiry advisor Val Sim

December 2007
Researcher Ross Francis published the results of his research into the Peter Ellis case in the NZ Law Journal. At the same time he wrote to the Minister of Justice with his concerns about the case

2007-1200 - Research by Ross Francis - New Evidence in the Peter Ellis case

2007-1130 - Letter by Ross Francis to Minister of Justice (Annette King)

January 2008
Ross Francis made a submission to the Law Commission regarding Public inquiries. His submission was based largely on his research into the Peter Ellis case:

2008-0123 - Submission to Law Commission by Ross Francis

February 2008
The Ministry of Justice and the Minister of Justice responded to Ross Francis letter of November 2007:

2008-0229 - Letter by Chief Legal Counsel Ministry Justice (Jeff Orr) to Ross Francis

2008-0314 - Letter by Minister of Justice (Rick Barker) to Ross Francis

March 2008
Ross Francis again wrote to the Minister of Justice correcting statements that the Minister had made:

2008-0319 - Letter by Ross Francis to Minister of Justice (Rick Barker)

Belinda Clark


April 2008
Ross Francis writes to the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Justice, Belinda Clark, following up on earlier correspondence. His letter concludes by asking

·                Are staff at the Justice Ministry obliged to declare potential or actual conflicts of interest?

·                Does Ms Clark believe that Val Sim should have declared a potential or actual conflict of interest before taking part in the Eichelbaum inquiry?

·                Does Ms Clark believe that Val Sim should have recused herself from the inquiry?

·                If Val Sim were still employed by the Justice Ministry and could participate in another Ellis inquiry, would Ms Clark encourage Val Sim to declare a potential or conflict of interest?

2008-0408 - Letter by Ross Francis to CEO Ministry Justice (Belinda Clark)


Graphic - The role of Val SIm  The role of Val Sim in the mysterious appointment of an obscure Canadian prosecution advocate as a “world authority in child memory and suggestibility”