Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

Jan - Feb 2005


NZ Herald
January 17 2005

Sex inquiry nears end

Police investigations into pack-rape allegations by former Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas against three current and former officers are in their final stages.

The Dominion Post has reported that Crown Law solicitors are expected to make their recommendations on charges within a fortnight.

Mrs Nicholas alleged a year ago that she was pack-raped and violated with a police baton as a teenager in Rotorua in 1986.

She named Assistant Commissioner Clint Rickards and former officers Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton as the men involved. The trio vehemently deny this.

Mr Rickards remains stood down on full pay while the allegations are investigated.

The newspaper said it would be up to Police Commissioner Rob Robinson and his investigation team to decide whether to lay charges once they receive the Crown Law recommendations.

Mrs Nicholas said the wait for a decision was frustrating but she understood the need for a meticulous investigation.