Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

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This page last updated March 16 2005

2005-0215 - Dominion Post - Hawkins slams leak
Police Minister George Hawkins has told Police Commissioner Rob Robinson a witness statement from a former flatmate of Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas should never have been leaked.

2005-0215 - NZ Herald - Sex case leaks upset Police Minister
NZPA - Police Minister George Hawkins is concerned that statements given to an inquiry into an alleged pack-rape are being leaked. The Sunday Star-Times has reported it obtained the statement of a woman who flatted with Louise Nicholas about the time she claims three policemen pack-raped her. The statements says the flatmate witnessed consensual sex between Nicholas and two of the men - and sometimes joined in. While the flatmate has already made the comments to another newspaper, a spokesman for Mr Hawkins said the statement should not have been leaked

2005-0213 - Sunday Star Times - Flatmate describes consensual sex
by Rachel Grunwell and Miriyana Alexander - A woman who flatted with Louise Nicholas around the time she alleges three policemen pack-raped her says she witnessed consensual sex between Nicholas and two of the men - and sometimes joined in. The woman said she and Nicholas had sex with two of the men several times, but she does not recall seeing Nicholas upset afterwards. She believes Nicholas would have told her if she had been raped, but she did not.

     Louise Nicholas

2005-0208 - Dominion Post - Slap on wrist for bad cops
by Nikki MacDonald - Forty-seven police staff were disciplined last year for misconduct ranging from firearms offences to an improper relationship with a criminal. Four were sacked for their offences, raising questions about the force's supposed hard line. In a year when public faith in police took a severe battering after rape allegations involving Auckland's top officer, Police Commissioner Rob Robinson promised a tough approach to misconduct.

2005-0208 - Dominion Post - Police conduct inquiry extended
by Haydon Dewes - The commission of inquiry into police conduct has asked for a second time extension because of a prolonged police investigation. The commission, established last February in response to claims of police rape and cover-ups made by Louise Nicholas and Judith Garrett, has been on hold since last August.

2005-0208 - Daily News - More time sought for probe into rape claims
by Haydon Dewes - The commission of inquiry into police conduct has been forced to ask for a second extension because of a prolonged police investigation. The commission, established last February in response to claims of police rape and cover-ups made by Louise Nicholas and Judith Garrett, has been on hold since last August.

2005-0207 - Stuff - Police commission of inquiry remains adjourned
NZPA - The commission of inquiry into police conduct sparked by the rape allegations of two women will stay on hold until police investigations of the cases have finished. The commission issued a statement today that said it would remain adjourned until all claims by Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas and Kaitaia woman Judith Garrett were investigated and "issues are totally in the hands of the prosecuting authorities".

2005-0206 - Sunday Star Times - 'I have nothing to hide,' says accused cop
by Tony Wall - A Bay of Plenty police officer accused of sexually violating a colleague's girlfriend believes he is a victim of police efforts to be "whiter than white" in the aftermath of the Louise Nicholas rape allegations. Constable Glenn Wilson, 37, is accused of sexually violating a woman - the girlfriend of a close friend - at a New Year's Eve party in Tauranga. He denies the allegation and says it was consensual.

2005-0206 - NZ Herald - Police officer facing sex violation inquiry
NZPA - An inquiry has been launched into allegations a woman was sexually violated by an off-duty police officer at a party in Mount Maunganui - the latest of several cases to rock the force. Western Bay of Plenty police area commander, Inspector Murray Lewis, confirmed an investigation was being led by Rotorua-based detective inspector Garth Bryan into a complaint of sexual violation against a Tauranga officer.

2005-0117 - NZ Herald - Sex inquiry nears end
NZPA - Police investigations into pack-rape allegations by former Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas against three current and former officers are in their final stages.

The Dominion Post has reported that Crown Law solicitors are expected to make their recommendations on charges within a fortnight.

2005-0116 - Sunday Star Times - Nicholas rape inquiry tops $6m
by Rachel Grunwell - A police investigation and commission of inquiry into historic rape allegations is set to be the most expensive criminal inquiry in history. It is a year this month since assistant police commissioner Clint Rickards and former policemen Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum were accused of raping Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas in 1986. The men deny the allegations.

2005-0115 - Dominion Post - Why the wait is so necessary
Editorial - It is nearly a year since The Dominion Post first published the story of Louise Nicholas. Her allegations, her name and her face are now familiar to many people, not because she personally wanted the publicity -- she did not -- but because she wanted justice, and felt all her previous attempts to find it had failed. Her claims that she was raped at a Rotorua house nearly 20 years ago when she was a teenager, by three men who were then serving police officers, were explosive.

Louise Nicholas

Dominion Post 
January 15 2005
2005-0115 - Dominion Post - Decision close on police rape claims
By Haydon Dewes - Police are on the brink of deciding whether to lay criminal charges against three men accused of raping Louise Nicholas while serving as police officers. They have also, for the first time, released details showing the scale of their complex investigation – dubbed Operation Austin – which has grown to include complaints against others, and which has so far cost the taxpayer $1.4 million.

Standing firm: Louise Nicholas says the wait while police investigated her claims was frustrating. `For us it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when, but when has taken a hell of a long time to get here.' (Kent Blechynden)