Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

Jan - Feb 2005


February 7 2005

Police commission of inquiry remains adjourned

The commission of inquiry into police conduct sparked by the rape allegations of two women will stay on hold until police investigations of the cases have finished.

The commission issued a statement today that said it would remain adjourned until all claims by Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas and Kaitaia woman Judith Garrett were investigated and "issues are totally in the hands of the prosecuting authorities".

The decision followed a meeting of the commission with representative counsel behind closed doors today.

"This is a simple application of the principles and thinking detailed in our ruling of 27 August 2004," commission chair Justice Robertson said.

"In that ruling we made it clear we would have to remain in abeyance until all information about criminal proceedings had been presented.

"As this has not yet happened we will remain adjourned and seek an extension of our reporting date so that, if we are able, we could hold a public hearing on 24 March this year to review the currency of issues flagged in the 27 August ruling," he said.