Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

March 1-15 2005 - Index


Otago Daily Times
March 1 2005

Commission awaits investigation results

Wellington: A Commission of Inquiry into police conduct has been further delayed because related criminal investigations are continuing.

Prime Minister Helen Clark announced yesterday the Government had agreed to extend the reporting time of the inquiry until May.

The commission was initially to report its findings last November 1.

Commissioners Justice Robertson and Dame Margaret Bazley are looking into the way police handled complaints of sexual abuse by officers over the past 25 years.

The commission was established after Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas alleged last January that she was packraped and violated with a police baton by three police officers in 1986 when she was 18.

The men vigorously deny the allegations.

Since then, other women have alleged police covered up their complaints against other officers.

Earlier last month, the commission said it would remain adjourned until police finished investigations.