Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

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This page last updated March 17 2005

2005-0311 - Southland Times - Police rape probe costs $3m
by Haydon Dewes - Act MP Muriel Newman asked Mr Goff whether he was concerned the inquiry was set to be the most expensive in history. "Yes, I regret that this sort of money has to be expended but yes, I also believe that it is necessary for the money to be expended," he said. Dr Newman questioned the logic of setting up both inquiries at the same time, when it should have been apparent both couldn't have progressed simultaneously. "You get the very strong feeling the left didn't know what the right was doing."

2005-0311 - Otago Daily Times - Investigation costs
The police investigation into historical allegations of rape against members of the force has so far cost more than $1.6 million and taken up 48,500 hours, Justice Minister Phil Goff told Parliament yesterday

2005-0311 - Dominion Post - Rape inquiry bill $3m
Investigations into allegations of rape against police have so far cost more than $3 million and the inquiry is set to be the most expensive inquiry ever, Parliament has been told

2005-0310 - Stuff - Police rape investigation has cost $1.6m, Parliament told
NZPA - The police investigation into historical allegations of rape against members of the force has so far cost more than $1.6 million and taken up 48,500 hours, Parliament was told today

2005-0310 - NZ Parliament - Questions: Police Inquiry into Historical Allegations
Dr Muriel Newman to the Minister of Police: What has been the total cost to date, including staff time, of the police investigation announced in February last year into historical rape allegations against the police, and what has been achieved?

2005-0310 - NZ Herald - Former Tauranga councillor changes plea to guilty
Brad ShiptonFormer Tauranga city councillor and businessman Bradley Keith Shipton yesterday changed his plea to guilty on a charge of unlawfully possessing a 1911 model .45 Colt pistol

2005-0309 - Newstalk ZB - Former cop admits pistol offence
In a surprise move, former Tauranga councillor and ex-detective Brad Shipton has pleaded guilty to unlawful possession of a pistol

2005-0308 - Dominion Post - Woman tells court of 1988 sex assault at station
Seventeen years ago a woman gave an off-duty policeman a ride home after a night at the Awanui Hotel in Kaitaia. People remember her commenting: "If you can't be safe with a policeman, who can you be safe with?" Yesterday the former officer, Timothy Nicholas Ogle, a 45-year-old investigator now living in Queensland, was committed for trial on eight charges relating to that March 1988 night -- including four counts of rape, two of sexual violation by unlawful sexual connection, one of attempted sexual violation and one of assault.

2005-0308 - Waikato Times - Ex-cop faces rape trial
2005-0308 - NZ Herald - Ex-police officer faces rape trial
A former Northland police officer has been committed for trial accused of handcuffing a woman and raping her in the Kaitaia police station. Timothy Nicholas Ogle, 45, was a constable when the alleged incident happened in March 1988. In a written statement handed to the court, the woman said that on the way Ogle put his hand under her leg, but she brushed him off and didn't feel threatened…….

2005-0307 - NZ Herald - Former police officer to stand trial for rape
Timothy Ogle, who now lives in Queensland, has been committed for trial following a depositions hearing in the Auckland District Court. ……Ogle faced police disciplinary proceedings following the incident, and left the force. The matter is one of a number of historic rape complaints against police being considered by the Commission of Inquiry.

2005-0307 - Newstalk ZB - Former cop to stand trial
Police did not take a statement from a woman who says one of their officers raped her, despite her laying the complaint within hours of the alleged incident. …….The woman says she was reluctantly giving the drunken Ogle a ride home when he tricked her into getting out of her car, handcuffed her, and repeatedly raped her in a Kaitaia police station office.

2005-0307 - One News - Former officer to face rape charge
A former police officer charged with the historic rape of a Far North woman at the Kaitaia police station has been ordered to stand trial. At the Auckland district court, name suppression was also lifted for 45-year-old Timothy Ogle who faces eight charges, including rape, sexual violation and assault.

2005-0307 - Newstalk ZB - Former cop Timothy Ogle to stand trial
A former Far North police officer is to stand trial for allegedly raping a woman at Kaitaia Police Station, 17 years ago. Timothy Ogle, who now lives in Queensland, has been committed for trial following a depositions hearing in the Auckland District Court. He faces four charges of rape, one of unlawful sexual connection, two of attempted unlawful sexual connection and one assault charge relating to events in the early hours of March 20, 1988.

2005-0307 - NZ Herald - 'Cop's cop' ready for showdown
by Carroll du Chateau - Robinson's strategy is to answer with long, jargon-laced, repetitive explanations. For example, when asked about the outcome of the $6 million criminal inquiry into Louise Nicholas' claims she was raped and sexually violated in 1986 by policemen Clint Rickards (who is still in the force), Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum, he replies carefully: "All criminal inquiries must run their course."

2005-0301 - Otago Daily Times - Commission awaits investigation results
NZPA - A Commission of Inquiry into police conduct has been further delayed because related criminal investigations are continuing. Prime Minister Helen Clark announced yesterday the Government had agreed to extend the reporting time of the inquiry until May. The commission was initially to report its findings last November 1.