Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

March 1-15 2005 - Index


March 10 2005

Police rape investigation has cost $1.6m, Parliament told

The police investigation into historical allegations of rape against members of the force has so far cost more than $1.6 million and taken up 48,500 hours, Parliament was told today.

Justice Minister Phil Goff, answering questions on behalf of Police Minister George Hawkins, gave the figures to ACT MP Muriel Newman who also sought information about the progress of the investigation.

"It is not appropriate for me to comment on ongoing police investigations, or matters which are already or may be soon before the courts," Mr Goff said.

The investigation began after Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas alleged last January that she was pack-raped and violated with a police baton by three police officers in 1986, when she was 18.

The men vigorously deny the allegations.

Since then, other women have alleged police covered up their complaints against other officers.

Mr Goff said the cost of the investigation up to February 28 this year was $1,603,645