Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

Page 13 - Trial Week 2 2006


NZ Herald
March 20 2006

Secret witness gives evidence at historic sex trial

The evidence of a secret witness has been suppressed at the trial of one of the country's top policemen and two former policemen on rape and sexual abuse charges in the High Court at Auckland today.

Nothing identifying the witness, or any evidence can be reported as the trial enters its sixth day.

Assistant Commissioner Clint Rickards, who is suspended on full pay, and former policemen Brad Shipton and Robert Schollum, are on trial on 20 charges of raping and sexually abusing Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas more than 20 years ago.

The crown's fourteenth witness gave evidence today before a jury of seven woman and five men.

Mrs Nicholas claims the three accused raped her and indecently assaulted her with a baton in a police house in Rutland Street, Rotorua, in January 1986.

Mrs Nicholas also alleges Rickards and Shipton visited her at her flat between six and 12 times from September, 1985, to December 1986, for sexual intercourse and oral sex without her consent.

Mrs Nicholas said she told the accused she did not want them there but was intimidated by their big size and stature.

All three have denied the charges and said the sex they had with Mrs Nicholas was with her consent. They also said the Rutland Street incident when the police baton was alleged to have been used, did not happen.

The trial was expected to last for the rest of this week and next week.