Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

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This page last updated April 2 2006

2006-0326 - Sunday Star Times - Someone is lying - now, it's truth time
by Steve Braunias - The third and final week of the trial begins tomorrow. Justice Tony Randerson has advised the jury it could expect to be sent out on Wednesday. Throughout the trial, prosecution and defence lawyers, as well as the judge, have expressed surprise at its speed

2006-0325 - Dominion Post - The trial of three men
Deborah Diaz charts the progress of the trial from day to day, summarizing the key points from each day

2006-0323 - Otago Daily Times - Nicholas a vindictive liar, Rickards insists
Over and over in the witness box Rickards said: Louise Nicholas is lying. He said: The allegations made by Mrs Nicholas are lies. That’s the only way I can describe it.

2006-0323 - NZ Herald - Rickards takes the stand, impervious as a wax model
by Carroll Du Chateau - As Rickards tells it, the two times he and colleague Brad Shipton had sex with 18-year-old Louise Nicholas were happy, jovial occasions. Rickards can't remember why his friend Brad Shipton picked him up and took him to their colleague Bob Schollum's place in Rutland St one night after dark. What he can remember is that Nicholas was there, welcomed them in and almost immediately sat on his lap. "It was a jovial occasion, laughing, giggling, talking away. It was a very happy occasion."

2006-0323 - Dominion Post - Rickards has his say
by Haydon Dewes - His tale is one of defiance as he rages against the lies he says have been told about him, about the biased treatment he, and all police, have received at the hands of the media since he was accused of raping Mrs Nicholas. "Mrs Nicholas is lying," he repeatedly tells the court.

2006-0323 - Dominion Post - Nicholas is lying, says Rickards
by Deborah Diaz - Rickards, a father of five and Auckland's top policeman, took the witness stand yesterday to tell a High Court jury at Auckland that Mrs Nicholas was lying about being raped and abused with a police baton 20 years ago. The truth, he said, was that he and his friend Bradley Shipton once watched each other have sex with the then 18-year-old. About a week later, she gave him oral sex and then he had sex with her flatmate.

Clint Rickards
photo: John Selkirk

2006-0322 - Newstalk ZB - Top cop labels rape complaint a lie
Clint Rickards says he could not have visited rape complainant Louise Nicholas' flat wearing police uniform, because he was not in the uniformed branch at the time.

2006-0322 - One News - Rickards says rape claims are lies
Assistant police commissioner Clint Rickards says Rotorua rape complainant Louise Nicholas is lying. Rickards is giving evidence in his own defence at his trial over Mrs Nicholas' historical sex abuse allegations at the High Court in Auckland.

Louise Francis Nicholas

2006-0322 - Newstalk ZB - Rickards says allegations are lies
One of the country's most senior police officers has repeatedly told the High Court in Auckland that allegations made by Louise Nicholas are lies.
Rickards testified before a court-room packed with supporters. He told the court that sex with Louise Nicholas was consensual, that it was a fun and jovial time and it happened on two occasions in the evening. He also denied ever being involved in any group sex at the Rutland St police house or using a police baton during sex.

2006-0322 - Newstalk ZB - Rickards defends wearing uniform

Prosecutor Brent Stanaway
from One News

Under cross examination about the uniform incident , Rickards said for the last two and a half years he has been subjected to biased media attacks. He said the reason he wore the uniform is because he is proud to be a police officer

2006-0322 - NZ Herald - Nicholas lying, top policeman tells court
NZPA - Alleged rape victim Louise Nicholas was lying when she claimed Clint Rickards wore a police uniform during sexual abuse, the policeman told jurors in the High Court at Auckland today.

2006-0322 - Stuff - Nicholas was lying, Rickards tells jury
Alleged rape victim Louise Nicholas was lying when she claimed Clint Rickards wore a police uniform during alleged sex abuse, the policeman told jurors in the High Court at Auckland today. Rickards said he never wore uniforms when he was in the Rotorua CIB during the time Mrs Nicholas claimed he raped and sexually abused her.

2006-0322 - Newstalk ZB - Rickards takes the stand today
One of the country's top policeman will give evidence in his own defence today, in the face of 20-year-old sex abuse allegations. Rickards' lawyer John Haigh QC says the vast discrepancy between his client's claim of consensual sex with Mrs Nicholas and her accusations, cannot be explained by poor memories and errors.

2006-0322 - NZ Herald - Rickards' turn to take the stand
by Nicola Boyes - Clint Rickards, one of the highest ranking officers in the New Zealand police, takes the stand in the High Court at Auckland today to reply to rape allegations that his lawyer says have probably destroyed his career…… Detective Senior Sergeant Stephen McGregor arrested Rickards, who said he had three things to say: "Frankly, I am disgusted it has taken 14 months to get to this position. I totally and vehemently refute the allegations made by Louise Francis Nicholas. And because of the unfair way I have been treated in the last 14 months, I am not prepared to say anything."

2006-0322 - Dominion Post - Delicate rhythms of a courtroom drama
by Haydon Dewes - He does it slowly, with calculated gravity and meticulously crafted turns of phrase.  John Haigh, QC, defence lawyer for rape accused Clint Rickards, is taking the jury through the steps he will take in an effort to destroy the Crown's case against his client.

2006-0322 - Dominion Post - Rickards' rape trial 'nightmare'
by Deborah Diaz - Assistant Commissioner Clinton Rickards will testify today that he did not rape Louise Nicholas in Rotorua 20 years ago…..….. Mr Haigh asked the jury "to keep in mind" a number of points that "may well destroy Mrs Nicholas' allegations". There was an "extraordinary clash" between Mrs Nicholas and her former flatmate, who had described a friendly atmosphere and sexual freedom at the flat. There was also the "improbability" of the Rutland St allegations, if Mrs Nicholas had gone into the house knowing she would be raped and done nothing.

2006-0321 - One News - Rickards set to take stand
A suspended top policeman on trial for rape will enter the witness box on Wednesday. Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickard's lawyer told the jury they'll hear a much different version of events from that told by his accuser - Louise Nicholas……… When he opened his defence on Tuesday, Rickards's lawyer John Haigh QC told the jury Nicholas had told a series of calculated lies. He claimed the Rotorua woman's memory of events some 20 years ago was made up of delusional recollections and was utterly false.

2006-0321 - Newstalk ZB - Assistant police commissioner defence
Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards will give evidence in his own defence on historical sex abuse charges. Rickards is expected to tell a High Court jury in Auckland tomorrow, that he had consensual sex twice with Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas.

2006-0321 - Newstalk ZB - Rape allegations defence due today
Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards' defence case against historical rape allegations opens in the High Court at Auckland this afternoon. The Crown has closed its case after six-and-a-half days of evidence against the top policeman and two former colleagues

2006-0321 - Newstalk ZB - Crown ends case against top policeman
The Crown case against a top policeman and two former colleagues over historical rape allegations has closed. Evidence from 44 witnesses have been presented over the six and a half days.

2006-0321 - NZ Herald - More evidence suppressed in historic rape-abuse trial
by Nicola Boyes - Another three secret witnesses are expected to start giving evidence in the High Court at Auckland today at the trial of one of the country's highest ranked police officers and two former policemen. Suppression orders prevent the media from publishing the names of the people or any of the evidence they are giving for the Crown

2006-0320 - NZ Herald - Secret witness gives evidence at historic sex trial
NZPA - The evidence of a secret witness has been suppressed at the trial of one of the country's top policemen and two former policemen on rape and sexual abuse charges in the High Court at Auckland today. Nothing identifying the witness, or any evidence can be reported as the trial enters its sixth day.