Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

Page 13 - Trial Week 2 2006


NZ Herald
March 21 2006

More evidence suppressed in historic rape-abuse trial
by Nicola Boyes

Another three secret witnesses are expected to start giving evidence in the High Court at Auckland today at the trial of one of the country's highest ranked police officers and two former policemen.

Suppression orders prevent the media from publishing the names of the people or any of the evidence they are giving for the Crown, at the trial of Assistant Commissioner Clint Rickards, 45, and former police officers, Brad Shipton, 47, and Bob Schollum, 53.

The trio deny 20 charges, including the historic rape, indecent assault and sexual violation of Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas.

Mrs Nicholas told the court when she gave evidence last week, that in January 1986 the three men took turns at raping her in a police house in Rotorua's Rutland St before violating her with a police baton.

She also alleged Shipton and Rickards, uninvited, visited her Rotorua flat in Corlett St between six and 12 times, between September 1985 and January 1986, for sex, to which she said she never consented.

The accused said she consented to all sexual encounters and the incident she said happened in the police house was a complete fabrication.

Yesterday Justice Tony Randerson heard from the 14th witness in the trial.

The name, any identifying particulars and the evidence given by the witness has also been suppressed.

The trial is expected to run into next week.