Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

Page 13 - Trial Week 2 2006


One News
March 21 2006

Rickards set to take stand

A suspended top policeman on trial for rape will enter the witness box on Wednesday.

Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickard's lawyer told the jury they'll hear a much different version of events from that told by his accuser - Louise Nicholas.

Rickards strongly denies all the allegations made by Nicholas, including charges that, with the two others on trial with him, he raped and assaulted her with a baton.

However, he admits to consensual sex with her on two occasions and says she actually played up to him.

When he opened his defence on Tuesday, Rickards's lawyer John Haigh QC told the jury Nicholas had told a series of calculated lies.

He claimed the Rotorua woman's memory of events some 20 years ago was made up of delusional recollections and was utterly false.

Haigh highlighted the evidence of Nicholas's flatmate, saying there was a huge clash between their version of events. The flatmate had talked of a great freedom of sexuality at the time, in stark contrast to what he called the gloom and subterfuge of Nicholas.

He also questioned why she had walked into what he called the lions' den allegedly to be raped by all three men and continued to have sex with two of them for some months.

Haigh told jurors a nightmare has enveloped Rickards and virtually ruined his career but they can end all that by acquitting him of all charges.