Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

Page 13 - Trial Week 2 2006


Newstalk ZB
March 22 2006; 18:08

Top cop labels rape complaint a lie

Clint Rickards says he could not have visited rape complainant Louise Nicholas' flat wearing police uniform, because he was not in the uniformed branch at the time.

The Assistant Police Commissioner has defended himself at the historical sexual abuse trial in Auckland today. Rickards has emphatically told the court Mrs Nicholas' claims he repeatedly forced himself on her is a lie. He says he could not have visited Louise Nicholas in 1985 and 1986 wearing his uniform as she says, because he was then in the Criminal Investigation Bureau and wearing civilian clothes.

Rickards admits twice having sex with Mrs Nicholas. He says the first time was at co-accused Bob Schollum's house, where she sat on his knee, put her arm around his back and kissed his ear. He says he didn't take Mrs Nicholas' allegations seriously when he first heard about them in the 1990's, because he couldn't believe a woman could be so vindictive as to tell lies about him.