Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

Page 13 - Trial Week 2 2006


One News
March 22 2006

Rickards says allegations are lies

One of the country's most senior police officers has repeatedly told the High Court in Auckland that allegations made by Louise Nicholas are lies.

Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards, and former officers Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton deny 20 charges of rape, indecent assault and sexual violation against Nicholas in the 1980s.

Rickards testified before a court-room packed with supporters. He told the court that sex with Louise Nicholas was consensual, that it was a fun and jovial time and it happened on two occasions in the evening.

He also denied ever being involved in any group sex at the Rutland St police house or using a police baton during sex.

Rickards told the court that Nicholas and her husband are lying when they say they saw him in uniform during the period of the allegations. He said he was working in the CIB at the time and wore plain clothes.

On Tuesday afternoon Rickards lawyer, John Haigh QC, told the court his client had consensual sex with Louise Nicholas twice, but denies it involved a police baton or that it amounted to rape. He said Nicholas had told calculated lies on oath and that her evidence is made up of delusional recollections which are utterly false.

The Crown finished presenting its evidence against the three men on Tuesday morning.

Louise Nicholas, her husband and mother-in-law were among those who gave evidence last week. Both Nicholas and her husband Ross were overcome by emotion while in the witness box.

Many of the witness testimonies have been suppressed.