Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

Page 14 - Trial Week 3 2006


Newstalk ZB
March 27 2006; 05:16

Schollum's defence begins


The defence case for the second of three men accused of sex offences dating back 20 years opens in the High Court at Auckland this morning.

Former police officer Bob Schollum and two of his then-colleagues are charged with raping and sexually assaulting Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas. Tauranga QC Paul Mabey will open the defence case for his client. It is not clear yet whether Mr Schollum will give evidence.

His co-accused, Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards gave lengthy testimony last week and denied all but two incidents of consensual sex with Mrs Nicholas. The third man, Brad Shipton, has elected not to take the stand.

The jury is expected to retire to consider its verdict on the 22 charges the men face on Wednesday.