Allegations of Sexual Abuse

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This page last updated April 2 2006

2006-0331 - Newstalk ZB - Jury asks question
14:24 - The jury in the historical rape charge trial has asked the judge whether it has to believe all of a witness's evidence. The jury has returned to court to ask whether it is obliged to accept or reject all of a witness' evidence and whether it can find some parts credible and not others. Justice Randerson says the jury can decide which parts of a witness' testimony it believes but he says if jurors reject some of what a person says, they must ask themselves whether that causes them to have reasonable doubt about the rest of that evidence

2006-0331 - Southland Times - Rickards' son to play rugby in south
by Nathan Burdon - Embattled Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards' son Willie Rickards will play rugby for Southland this season. Rickards was a member of the Auckland sevens team that competed at this year's national tournament in Queenstown. Rickards was due to have arrived in Invercargill but has stayed in Auckland to support his father during the three-week trial.

2006-0331 - One News - Jury to resume for third day
The jury that is set to determine the fate of one of the country's most senior police officers will on Friday enter its third day of deliberations in the high profile rape case

2006-0331 - NZ Herald - Jury in third day of police rape case deliberations


Jurors were today starting a third day of deliberations in the rape case against Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards and former police colleagues Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton.

2006-0331 - Dominion Post - Nicholas jury into third day
The jury considering sex charges against Assistant Commissioner Clint Rickards and two former police officers will start its third day of deliberations today.

2006-0331 - Newstalk ZB - Third day of deliberations today
The jury in the Nicholas rape case will begin a third day of deliberations this morning at the High Court in Auckland

2006-0330 - Newstalk ZB - Nicholas police rape jury retires
21:12 - The jury in the Louise Nicholas historical rape trial has retired for the night.There's still no verdict on allegations that a top policeman and two former colleagues raped the Rotorua woman 20 years ago

2006-0330 - One News - Nicholas jury out for second night
The jury in the Louise Nicholas rape trial retired just before 9pm on Thursday without delivering a verdict. Earlier the jury requested a full transcript of the judge's summing up, but Justice Randerson told them it was not complete and that he could repeat any legal directions they needed from it.

2006-0330 - Newstalk ZB - Lawyers see judge in rape case
16:52 - Lawyers on both sides in the historical rape trial at the High Court in Auckland have been called in to see the judge - with the news media excluded

2006-0330 - NZ Herald - Police rape jury asks for judge's summing up
12:35 - The jury in the police rape case has this morning asked the judge for a transcript of his summing up following almost a day of deliberation. Justice Tony Randerson agreed to them seeing his legal direction but not the entire transcript.

2006-0330 - Newstalk ZB - Jury still out in rape case
11:56 - There is still no word from the jury in the historical rape charges trial at the High Court in Auckland

2006-0330 - The Press - Jury told to put sex views aside
Jury members considering the fate of Assistant Commissioner Clint Rickards and two former policemen have been told to put aside their moral views on sex as they decide whether Louise Nicholas was raped.

2006-0330 - Southland Times - Jury retires in rape trial
Jurors considering the fate of Assistant Commissioner Clint Rickards and two former police officers were yesterday told to put aside their own moral views on sex to decide whether Louise Nicholas had been raped.

2006-0330 - Nelson Mail - Day two for rape case jury
A jury of seven women and five men began day two of deliberations today to decide if a high ranking police officer and two former colleagues were rapists and sexual abusers.

2006-0330 - NZ Herald - Relatives pray for policemen
A karakia rang out from the Auckland courthouse and it was standing room only inside as jurors began deliberating on Louise Nicholas' claims of police rape. Relatives of assistant police commissioner Clint Rickards performed the prayer, and a strong family turnout supported co-accused Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton

2006-0330 - NZ Herald - Jury to start second day of deliberations in police rape case
The jury in the police rape case will today begin a second day of deliberations into the fate of former Assistant Commissioner Clint Rickards and two other former police officers.  The seven women and five men retired at 1pm yesterday at the High Court in Auckland to consider the case against Rickards, and former officers Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton. They adjourned for the night at 10pm after asking several questions of Justice Tony Randerson.

2006-0330 - Dominion Post - How it unfolded
Summary of key events in the case from 1985

2006-0330 - Dominion Post - The Nicholas rape case has affected hundreds of people
The news dropped like a bomb, its shock waves touching all those affected. When The Dominion Post, on January 31, 2004, published Mrs Nicholas' story exclusively under the headline "Police raped me", the lives of hundreds of people -- Mrs Nicholas, defendants Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards, 45, and former policemen Bradley Shipton, 53, and Robert Schollum, 47, their families and friends, police officers, other rape complainants -- were turned on their head.

2006-0330 - Dominion Post - Rickards was an unlikely candidate to be a law enforcer,
by Haydon Dewes - Possessing equal quantities of intellect, cunning and diplomacy, Clint Rickards was determined from early in his career to become New Zealand's first Maori police commissioner. But his dream was dashed even before the jury sat down to consider whether he was guilty of raping and violating Louise Nicholas 20 years ago.

2006-0330 - Dominion Post - Nicholas rape claims now in hands of jury
by Deborah Diaz - A jury considering the fate of Assistant Commissioner Clint Rickards and two former policemen have been told to put aside their own moral views on sex to decide if Louise Nicholas was raped.

2006-0330 - Dominion Post - Wait begins for verdict
A karakia rang out from the Auckland courthouse and it was standing room only inside as jurors began deliberating on Louise Nicholas' claims of police rape. Relatives of Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards performed the prayer, and a strong family turnout supported co-accused Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton

2006-0329 - NZ Herald - Jury returns to ask judge question
NZPA - Two hours into deliberations the jury in the historic police rape case, came out of the jury room to ask whether police officers owned their own uniforms.

2006-0329 - One News - Nicholas jury returns to ask questions
The jury considering its verdict in the Louise Nicholas rape trial has come back into court to ask questions….. They wanted to know if the police own their own uniforms and if they are expected to keep them. They also asked a question in relation to the evidence of a suppressed witness.

2006-0329 - Stuff - Jury retires in Nicholas rape case
NZPA - A jury of seven women and five men has retired to decide if a high-ranking policeman and two former policemen are rapists.

2006-0329 - Newstalk ZB - Rape case jury retires
The jury has retired at the High Court in Auckland, following two-and-a-half weeks of evidence in the case against three men on historical rape charges

2006-0329 - NZ Herald - Jury considering police rape charges
NZPA - A jury of seven women and five men retired at 1.25pm today to decide if a high-ranking policeman and two former policemen are rapists….. Summing up this morning Justice Tony Randerson told the jury the three men were entitled to benefit from any element of doubt in the case with an acquittal. He told the jurors they faced a daunting task but were not to be influenced by moral issues after the three men said in court they had had group sex with Mrs Nicholas but that it was consensual.

2006-0329 - Newstalk ZB - Judge summing up in police rape trial
The judge continues to sum up the case in the police rape trial. Justice Randerson has told jurors that to return a guilty verdict, they must be sure Louise Nicholas did not consent to sexual activity with three policeman in Rotorua 20 years ago, regardless of whether force was used

2006-0329 - - Historical Sex Allegations
……justice? In recent months there have been acquittals and convictions. The result a lottery. And the combatants forgotten quickly as the media focus on the next case. The high chance that an injustice has been done belittles our justice system. Those affected by an injustice pay a terrible price. The rules associated with such cases need urgent reform.

2006-0329 - NZ Herald - Too many flaws in Nicholas case, say defence lawyers
by Nicola Boyes - Holes in the Crown case against Assistant Commissioner Clint Rickards and two former police colleagues are too great for any jury to convict the men, the High Court at Auckland was told yesterday. Lawyers for Rickards, 45, Brad Shipton, 47, and Bob Schollum, 53, gave their closing addresses to the jury of seven women and five men, saying the complainant, Louise Nicholas, had lied and fabricated events and the Crown case did not come within a "bull's roar" of what was required.


Louise Nicholas
photo by Sandra Mu

2006-0329 - Dominion Post - Nicholas 'made up police rape fantasy'
by Deborah Diaz - Louise Nicholas has constructed a fantasy of being raped by police officers as a teenager and though she may believe it, a jury cannot, defence lawyers say. "She must be the unluckiest woman alive," Assistant Commissioner Clint Rickards' lawyer John Haigh, QC, said of her claims of abuse by seven police officers in the 1980s. "If it is true, Mrs Nicholas is indeed a tragically haunting figure. If it is not true, either she is deluded or she is a consummate liar."

2006-0328 - Stuff - Defence makes closing arguments in police rape case
Stuff - Lawyers for three police officers accused of historic rape and sexual abuse charges will make their closing arguments today…..Yesterday in his final argument in the High Court at Auckland, Crown prosecutor Brent Stanaway asked the jurors to remember the "anguish and very real pain" Mrs Nicholas showed when she was in the witness box

2006-0328 - One News - Closing statements in Nicholas case
Defence lawyers for three men accused of raping a Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas finished giving their closing addresses in court on Tuesday…….Earlier on Tuesday the lawyers for Rickards and Shipton made their final statements. Rickards' lawyer told the High Court in Auckland that if the allegations made by Nicholas were not so tragically serious, they would be laughable. John Haigh QC told the jury that Nicholas may be deluded, or that she may be a consummate liar.  He detailed what he called "gaps a mile wide" in her evidence

2006-0328 - NZ Herald - Defence says Nicholas' story full of holes
NZPA - The holes in the evidence of Louise Nicholas are too wide and it would be impossible to convict Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards of raping and indecently assaulting her, a jury was told today. John Haigh, QC, defence lawyer for Rickards, said Mrs Nicholas was an attention-seeker who wanted someone to blame for a past she was ashamed of.

2006-0328 - Newstalk ZB - "Are we sure" advice for jury
The lawyer for a former policeman accused of rape has suggested the jury writes "Are We Sure?" on the whiteboard as it deliberates. Both sides in the police historical rape case have now summed up their cases. Paul Mabey QC, defence lawyer for Bob Schollum, says rape complainant Louise Nicholas builds fact into parts of her story. However, he says what is in her mind is based on fantasy.

2006-0328 - Dominion Post - Rickards' unbending evidence 'unreliable'
by Deborah Diaz - Assistant commissioner Clinton Rickards' denials that he is a rapist are too simplistic, dogmatic and unbending to be believable, prosecutors say. The credibility of Auckland's top policeman came under sustained attack as lawyers began final arguments in the trial in the High Court at Auckland yesterday.  Prosecutor Brent Stanaway told the jury that it was Mrs Nicholas' evidence – rather than the defendants' – that had "the ring of truth". Rickards, Shipton and Schollum had abused an "unfortunate teenager" who was socially unequipped to deal with their advances

2006-0328 - NZ Herald - Nicholas' evidence chilling, says Crown
by Nicola Boyes - The jury in the Louise Nicholas rape case has been urged by the Crown to remember the anguish and pain in the voice of Mrs Nicholas when she gave evidence against the three defendants last week. In his closing statement to the High Court jury, Crown prosecutor Brent Stanaway said that while the accused men said Mrs Nicholas was a liar and a serial false accuser of police officers, the Crown argued that at the time of the alleged incidents, she was an unfortunate teenager ill-equipped to deal with the predatory advances of the three men.

2006-0328 - Newstalk ZB - Defence winding up case in Nicholas trial
The defence will close its case today in the trial of a top police officer and two of his former colleagues.

2006-0327 - One News - Closing statements in Nicholas case
The Crown has begun its closing address in the trial of the three men accused of raping Louise Nicholas…… The Crown says Nicholas was ill-quipped to deal with the predatory advances of the three police officers when she was 18 years old.

2006-0327 - Newstalk ZB - Nicholas "ill-equipped" says prosecutor
Louise Nicholas was an unfortunate teenager, physically and socially ill-equipped to deal with the predatory advances of her alleged attackers according to Crown Prosecutor, Brent Stanaway, in his closing address to the jury in the historical rape trial.

2006-0327 - Newstalk ZB - Crown closes case against Rickards
The Crown is closing its case against Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards and two former colleagues on historical rape charges……. Earlier today a witness told the court Louise Nicholas had been friendly with Schollum at her brother's wedding in February 1993.

2006-0327 - NZ Herald - Nicholas showed rape accused her stocking, court hears
NZPA - Louise Nicholas publicly showed her stockings to a man accused of raping her seven years after the alleged attacks, a witness has said today. Picton resident Kerrianne Best was giving evidence in defence of former policeman Bob Schollum, who is accused with Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards and another former policeman, Brad Shipton.

2006-0327 - Newstalk ZB - Schollum's defence begins
The defence case for the second of three men accused of sex offences dating back 20 years opens in the High Court at Auckland this morning