Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

Page 14 - Trial Week 3 2006


March 28 2006

Defence makes closing arguments in police rape case

Lawyers for three police officers accused of historic rape and sexual abuse charges will make their closing arguments today.

The trio, assistant police commissioner Clint Rickards and former policemen Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum, face a total of 20 charges of raping and sexually abusing Rotorua woman, Louise Nicholas in 1985 and 1986 when she was 18.

Yesterday in his final argument in the High Court at Auckland, Crown prosecutor Brent Stanaway asked the jurors to remember the "anguish and very real pain" Mrs Nicholas showed when she was in the witness box.

He said she had lost the power of control and could not say no when the three men raped and sexually abused her, once in a Rotorua house with a police baton.

Today lawyers for all three men are expected to tell the jury Mrs Nicholas lied about what happened and sex was consensual.

Justice Tony Randerson will sum up the case tomorrow before the jury retires to considers its verdicts.