Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

Page 14 - Trial Week 3 2006


The Dominion Post
March 30 2006

Wait begins for verdict

A karakia rang out from the Auckland courthouse and it was standing room only inside as jurors began deliberating on Louise Nicholas' claims of police rape.

Relatives of Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards performed the prayer, and a strong family turnout supported co-accused Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton.

After deliberating for nine hours, the jury in the High Court at Auckland retired just before 10pm and were sequestered to a hotel. They will resume today at 9am to decide 20 sex charges relating to Mrs Nicholas' allegations that she was raped 20 years ago, when all three men were police officers.

Thirty minutes before the jury retired, supporters of the three accused sang How Great Thou Art, some in Maori, at the courthouse. A kaumatua led a prayer for the jury of seven women and five men to have wisdom and strength and for all those involved in the trial to find peace.

Earlier, the jury had a question for Justice Tony Randerson relating to evidence that has been suppressed.