Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

Page 14 - Trial Week 3 2006


Newstalk ZB
March 31 2006; 14:24

Jury asks question

The jury in the historical rape charge trial has asked the judge whether it has to believe all of a witness's evidence.

Jurors have now been deliberating for more than 25 hours on whether Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards and former colleagues Brad Shipton, and Bob Schollum raped and sexually assaulted Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas in the mid 1980s..

The jury has returned to court to ask whether it is obliged to accept or reject all of a witness' evidence and whether it can find some parts credible and not others.

Justice Randerson says the jury can decide which parts of a witness' testimony it believes but he says if jurors reject some of what a person says, they must ask themselves whether that causes them to have reasonable doubt about the rest of that evidence.

As the wait continues, emotions are beginning to boil over. The son of Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards, made his feelings known to a cameraman this morning as the jury deliberates for a third day.

As a newspaper photographer took pictures of the officer arriving at court, the accused man's son veered off course and nudged the cameraman with his shoulder.

Our reporter at the court says the strain on the families who have stood devotedly by the three accused men is immense.