Child sex abuse hysteria and the Ellis case

Focus on People - Hall of Fame


The wisdom of Gordon Waugh - Index


The Sunday Star Times
December 31 1995

False claims of sexual abuse
Letter by G Waugh, Auckland

Three hearty cheers for Bruce Slane, the Privacy Commissioner. The police are challenging his decision allowing the release of information from an alleged sexual abuse "victim" to her alleged abuser (December 24).

ACC has similar requests from other alleged abusers. The Commissioner for Children "thinks it is really important people can report to state agencies and their identities can be protected".

Men falsely accused of sexual abuse have a right to clear their names of these scabrous allegations, a right to have any relevant information to defend themselves and to know the identity of their accusers.

Many such allegations arise after adult women have counselling and "recover memories" of alleged sexual abuse years, decades, earlier. They claim compensation from ACC. No evidence or corroboration of the alleged abuse is required. On this basis ACC has paid out more than $600 million to more than 50,000 women in the last three years or so. Few of these alleged abusers have been charged, because no evidence of actual abuse exists.

It is high time ACC and the police demanded real evidence and corroboration in these cases, or charged the accusers and their counsellors with making false statements, wasting police time, and fraud where ACC compensation has been awarded.