Child sex abuse hysteria and the Ellis case

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Sunday News
April 14 1996

Distorted tale in rape statistics
Letter by G Waugh, Auckland

Torture statistics long enough and they'll confess! Doctors for Sexual Abuse Care (DSAC) recently held a conference in Wellington entitled "Rape: Ten Years' Progress?"

Representatives of Rape Crisis attended. Both DSAC and Rape Crisis spread misinformation about sexual abuse. The conference heard and believed the false claims that one in five women have been raped or suffered attempted rape, that "only about 10 per cent" of "victims" are believed to report their cases to the police, but only about 1 per cent were ever convicted.

The simplest of arithmetic shows that one fifth of our female population of about 1.8 million is 360,000 "victims". As the "one in five" have supposedly been clearly identified, and represent "about 10 per cent", the full complement is 3.6 million raped women. Add this to the nearly 1.2 million "victims" which result from the Rape Crisis claim that "one in three girls, and perhaps as many boys, will be sexually abused by the age of 18" and misinformation on a grand scale abounds.

They bring ridicule upon their members and organisations by believing and regurgitating such tortured numerology.