Child sex abuse hysteria and the Ellis case

Focus on People - Hall of Fame


The wisdom of Gordon Waugh - Index


The Sunday Star Times
April 21 1996

Not tonight, I'm signing
Letter by G Waugh, Auckland

RAPE Awareness Week has come and gone. Rape Crisis has again shown the specious thinking underlying its beliefs about rape through its "date rape" theme.

Rape Crisis has merged the issues of recent and historical claims of rape, and foisted upon us the new hysteria of "date rape".

"Date rape" turns on the issue of consent. Women who have willingly indulged in sex with their dates sometimes regret it and later cry rape, claiming that consent was not given. Such claims also have a high probability of being false. The claim by Rape Crisis and others that "false allegations of rape are very, very rare" is irresponsible.

As only women apparently have rights, it is, they say, a man's responsibility to ensure he obtains consent to sexual activity. Rape Crisis should issue books of "consent forms" to all men, to be signed by women at each stage of the proceedings. Oh, what fun