Child sex abuse hysteria and the Ellis case

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The Daily News
August 13 1996

Beware of abuse industry
Letter by G Waugh, Auckland

The Daily News (July 11), reported that Doctors for Sexual Abuse Case (DSAC) is forming a Taranaki Branch and establishing a roster of female doctors to deal with rape and sexual abuse victims.

Dr Todd was quoted as saying "This roster is important, because a lot of rape victims who would prefer to be examined by women are not coming forward."

That statement is illogical and misleading. Must we assume that Dr Todd has a psychic ability denied to the rest of we mere mortals? How does she know that "victims" are not coming forward, or that abuse has actually occurred in undisclosed cases?

DSAC shares a political agenda and methodology similar to that of the rest of the Sex Abuse Industry. Its Christchurch Branch set up "a private, fully equipped setting" and a 24-hour service. Its whopping $700 consultation fee caused it to fall on its own sword.

The DSAC conference in Wellington (March 28-30) made the absurd claims that "one in five women have suffered rape or attemped rape, and "most victims never disclose." Twenty percent of the NZ female population is about 360,000. Caveat emptor, Taranaki