Child sex abuse hysteria and the Ellis case

Focus on People - Hall of Fame  >  The wisdom of Gordon Waugh

Letter sent to NZ Listener

October 6 1998

Avid believers in nonsense
by Gordon Waugh, Auckland

It is time for plain speaking. As a member of Casualties of Sexual Allegations Inc (COSA), I take issue with the emotive, ideological and cowardly attack made by Seymour, Read, Lambie, Jackson and Davies (Oct 10) on one of the three authors of current research about "recovered memories" and false allegations of sexual abuse.

Police and the Courts record many cases of false allegations. COSA has hundreds of them on file. Newspapers regularly report them. Many result from "recovered memories". Others are made in custody disputes, claims of rape, for mistaken or vindictive reasons, and for extortion. Some false accusers recant, others confess and some are convicted.

Read and Seymour particularly, are avid believers in the nonsense of "repressed memories" of sexual abuse. They now say "The vast majority of abuse victims remember their abuse from the time of its occurrence." Without one shred of evidence, memory liposuction by "therapists" has caused thousands of parents to be falsely accused of committing incest, rape, indecent assaults, and ritualistic abuse.

The failure of these narrow-minded critics to acknowledge or review the mass of credible data on false allegations is professionally inexcusable. How dare they presume that we falsely accused parents have no evidence of our innocence.

There is no substitute for fact and truth. Their criticisms are irresponsible, incompetent and demonstrably wrong.