Child sex abuse hysteria and the Ellis case

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Sunday Star Times
March 19 2000

Ellis arguments
Letter by Gordon Waugh, Auckland

For someone with so little genuine knowledge of the Peter Ellis case, Sandra Coney has a lot to say. Her commentary is ill-informed, emotive and misleading. It ignores the main issues.

Our judicial process is the heart of our community and we have an inherent right to examine it when it goes badly awry. Peter Ellis was convicted on the incomplete, imaginative and uncorroborated testimony of small children, and the opinions of so-called "experts".

Widespread public and professional concern resulted from suggestions of satanic ritual abuse, the dropping of charges against his co-workers, suggestions of process abuse and the withholding of masses of critical evidence from jury scrutiny. A key child witness recanted her stories.

Where was the physical, medical and forensic evidence of injury, surgery, murder, mutilated carcasses, cages, tunnels, trapdoors, guns, needles, exploding children or sexual abuse?

The case was based on hysteria and fantasy. Methods used by those who excavated "evidence" from child witnesses were unscientific, unethical and unsafe and so was the conviction. Years later, our concerns remain, heavily underscored by similar cases overseas. An inquiry, albeit a very limited one, will be held. We have a right to know.