Child sex abuse hysteria and the Ellis case

Focus on People - Hall of Fame


The wisdom of Gordon Waugh - Index


North Shore Times Advertiser
June 13, 2000

Taking Issue with views on psychiatric illnesses
by Gordon Waugh

[Note: - the published letter was slightly abridged by the Times Advertiser]

It is cruel, offensive and entirely unprofessional for a psychologist to claim, or even suggest, that schizophrenia and similar psychotic disorders are caused by childhood abuse.

In your article "Psychologist discusses effects of child abuse" that is exactly what Dr John Read has done in his study of psychiatric patients.

People become psychiatric patients because they often have a less than firm grip on reality. They are prone to adopting ambient social hysterias. During the 1950's mentally unwell patients reported persecution by communists. More recently, some reported abduction by aliens.

Childhood sexual abuse is the current one. Self-reports of abuse by delusional psychiatric patients are not credible unless externally corroborated. It is widely accepted that psychotic disorders have bio-genetic causes.

To justify his claim, Read's "research" must meet elemental scientific standards by showing clear proof through credible external verification, that patients studied were in fact genuinely abused, and that no other possible cause of the disorder existed. It must clearly distinguish between metaphor and reality, and between cause and association. His pet theory is fatally flawed. It failed on all these counts and wrongly assumed a causal link between abuse and a mental disorder.

Parents and families of people suffering with schizophrenia will be distressed and disgusted to learn that Dr Read continues to promote his unsubstantiated, daft and odious gospel.