Child sex abuse hysteria and the Ellis case

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The wisdom of Gordon Waugh - Index


Sunday Star Times
April 1 2001

Sex experts?
Letter by Gordon Waugh, Auckland

Congratulations for having the courage to publish an extract from Lynley Hood's refreshing, accurate and concise essay on the Peter Ellis case (March 25), exposing the nonsense leading to his conviction.

She correctly noted that alleged experts who claim an ability to distinguish between true and false allegations of sexual abuse can do nothing of the sort.

The claim to that bogus expertise persists. Government is preparing to re-introduce ACC lump-sum compensation of up to $100,000 and will include sex abuse claimants. ACC has admitted there is no causal link between sexual abuse and any particular psychological or behavioural symptoms.

In many cases it determines eligibility only from the alleged psychological condition and behaviour of claimants, assessed by "experts" claiming a contrived ability to know a client was sexually abused. That mythology will cost the taxpayer dearly and ruin many more lives.

Based on assumption, belief and opinion, self-appointed experts gave Ellis and around 80,000 other men accused in recent ACC claims the loathsome label of "sex abuser". Hood's essay and new book should be compulsory reading for ACC and its counsellors.