Child sex abuse hysteria and the Ellis case

Focus on People - Hall of Fame


The wisdom of Gordon Waugh - Index


The Dominion
December 12 2001

Botched inquiry result 'typical'
Letter by Gordon Waugh, Auckland (Abridged)

The botched sex abuse inquiry by psychologist Prue Vincent illustrates a typical result by "sex abuse experts". Their claims of "expert" status, privilege and confidentiality are untenable. No one gave them the right, privilege or authority to decide who wears the loathsome label of "sex abuser". Their fatally flawed methods lead directly to false conclusions.

[Note: - The following paragraph written by Gordon Waugh, was removed by the Dominion Editor]

She has destroyed an entire family, yet is merely fined and censured. She claims publication of her name would destroy her career. How many other families has she destroyed in her "career"?   What will she now do to repair the damage she caused ?

In my opinion the charges to which she pleaded guilty demonstrate monumental, but not untypical, incompetence. The Psychologists Board could deregister her, but, as it has shown in the past, it lacks the courage to act, thereby condemning itself. That she is still allowed to practise is scandalous.

Professionalism demands that bodies controlling psychologists and counsellors force their members to comply with scientific methods and evidential standards. Assumption, opinion and belief are simply not good enough. Practitioners must be made fully accountable for their work. Nothing less will do.