Child sex abuse hysteria and the Ellis case

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The wisdom of Gordon Waugh - Index


Sunday Star Times
March 24 2002

Abuse Humbug
Letter by Gordon Waugh, Auckland

Fred Seymour is plainly wrong (March 17) when he says it was "plainly silly" of author Lynley Hood to suggest ACC counselling could produce recovered abuse memories because "you can't get ACC counselling until someone else has agreed the person qualifies to see a counsellor".

ACC's website defines the steps for making a sexual abuse claim. 1. Complete the ACC 45 claim form and send it to them. This can be done by the claimant, or with the help of a counsellor. 2. Choose the counsellor you want. 3. Visit the counsellor and get your cover report done. A fourth should have been added - queue here to get your money.

The website says: "There are many different counselling styles. Most counsellors will just talk with you, but some also use acting, writing or art. Others may have a spiritual or cultural basis." Paid by the taxpayer, of course.

Seymour is also wrong when he reckons ACC's new counselling guidelines "are to be used only in the case of patients already diagnosed with problems arising from sexual abuse and who have been referred to ACC counsellors". Kim McGregor's 43-page guideline is unmitigated humbug, unscientific nonsense and appalling misinformation, clearly designed to help counsellors find abuse histories in the absence of credible evidence.