Child sex abuse hysteria and the Ellis case

Focus on People - Hall of Fame


The wisdom of Gordon Waugh - Index


Western Leader
August 22, 2002

Research by Shirley Julich
Letter by Gordon Waugh

The "research" by Dr Shirley Julich on sexual abuse, reported in your article "Abuse carries steep price" (Aug 15), ranks her high amongst those skilled in breathtaking sophistry. Her study lacks academic rigour and is outrageously misleading.

No-one disputes that sexual abuse occurs and is abhorrent. No-one knows the actual prevalence of sexual abuse, but many make guesses.  Findings about sexual abuse are not a matter of impression, theory, opinion or speculation. They must be evidence-based on facts properly determined from empirical scientific methodology.

Her "research" is similar to a raft of other retrospective studies which drew fatally flawed conclusions from unverified data. The quite silly idea that one in every four females and 9 per cent of males are sexually abused by age 16 has long since been discredited.  During her six years of work, Dr Julich apparently did not raise her head to do a reality check.

She gathered data from a miniscule sample of 21 "survivors" and reports from a self-help "survivor" group. She must prove she externally corroborated the abuse allegations and that her thesis properly accounted for the well-known range o