Child sex abuse hysteria and the Ellis case

Focus on People - Hall of Fame  >  The wisdom of Gordon Waugh

Letter sent to NZ Listener

October 28 2002

Promoting witch hunts
by Gordon Waugh, Auckland

In one short letter, (Oct 26) Dr John Read has encapsulated the very essence of the mind-set that fosters and promotes witch-hunts - ad hominem argument, ignorance, distortion, sophistry, irrationality and belief. His attack on Ms Hood is appalling.

Sexual abuse hysteria remains a rampant, unwelcome and unnecessary influence in our community. The irrational belief is still abroad that one in four girls will be abused by age 16. Using ill-informed speculation, discredited ideology, misguided beliefs, and a miniscule sample of 21 cases, a recent doctoral thesis from Massey University concluded that 8,600 children will be sexually abused for the first time every year, and that such abuse costs $2.4 Billion annually. What rubbish !

ACC’s Therapy Guidelines are based on the villainous book “Courage to Heal”. The quackery of “recovered memories” has long since been exposed, but the Guidelines encourage counsellors to excavate “memories” which a client may not have.

Distortion and sophistry are favourite ploys of idealogues. Nowhere in your article could I find the information to which Dr Read refers “We are informed that school teachers who have sex with students have been abusing nobody but themselves.”

Peter Ellis’ conviction illustrated serious systemic faults which led to a farcical and tragic miscarriage of justice. There never was any medical, forensic or other credible evidence of sexual abuse but there was, and is, hysteria. The faults and the hysteria remain. Despite Dr Read¹s drivel, they must be fixed.