Child sex abuse hysteria and the Ellis case

Focus on People - Hall of Fame


The wisdom of Gordon Waugh - Index


Sunday Star Times
November 3 2002

Sex Obsession
Letter by Gordon Waugh, Auckland

I must thank Rosemary McLeod for her most enjoyable column (October 27). Reading it, I almost had an epileptic fit.

The nation is obsessed with sex. Obsessions are unhealthy. Childbirth is obviously dangerous and unsightly. We must take immediate action to prohibit sex and childbirth. Possible effects - no Viagra advertisements on TV, or on America's Cup boats. No sex. No babies. No nappies. No schools. No school lunches. Decreased parental stress and living costs. No family court. No CYPs. No commissioner for children. Fewer prisoners. Much less government. Vast tax reductions.

No more worries about paedophiles lurking behind every bush. Increased common sense. Counsellors usefully employed growing cabbages. Wouldn't life be sweet again.