Child sex abuse hysteria and the Ellis case

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NZ Herald
March 18, 2003

Dr Read's latest flight of imagination
Letter by Gordon Waugh

Ever since clinical psychologists began to manufacture victims, they have filled libraries with journals, papers and studies purporting to link causes of adult problems to childhood abuse. The assumptions and beliefs on which they rely have misled the public. They eschew evidence-based scientific research.

Dr John Read's latest flight of imagination (Mar 14) links hallucinations in psychiatric patients to childhood abuse and purports to compare abused and non-abused patients. He claims that nearly half of the 200 community mental health clients studied had been abused sexually or physically.

Why didn't your health reporter ask the critical question "Where is the proof that they were in fact abused ?"

Read's "research" has consistently failed to provide independent corroboration or testable evidence of such abuse, yet has recklessly linked abuse to schizophrenia and now links abuse to hallucinations of vision and all other senses. Until he can provide acceptable proof of abuse, he has again misled the public. This reflects poorly on academic standards at the University of Auckland.