Child sex abuse hysteria and the Ellis case

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Sunday Star Times
June 8 2003

Funding a disgrace
Letter by Gordon Waugh, Auckland

Frank Haden’s satirical piece on Rape Crisis funding was excellent. For a moment, he almost had me convinced.

And then I remembered their origins, ideology, tactics, misinformation, false "statistics" on rape and incest, and how they demonised men, especially fathers, in their annual extravaganzas.

Remind me again how Rape Crisis knows that 10% only of rapes are ever reported? And how they know that of those, 10% only go to court and 10% only of those get convicted?

And how their "statistics" translate into every female in the country being raped several times in her lifetime. And how many claims of rape and "repressed memories" are genuine?

Their strident "tip of the iceberg" claim melted years ago, along with its bottom. That Rape Crisis gets any funding from the taxpayer is a disgrace.