Child sex abuse hysteria and the Ellis case

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The wisdom of Gordon Waugh - Index


Sunday Star Times
June 27 2004

Sex abuse scams
Letter by Gordon Waugh, Auckland

Quite rightly Frank Haden commented on the stupidity of ACC compensation for sexual abuse claims ("Reality check needed for sex abuse compo", June 20). It is a colossal scam, costing hundreds of millions of dollars in recent years.

The physical injury scheme has been perverted by ideology to include "mental injury" arising from alleged sexual crime. But mental injury is associated with every crime. ACC should either cover all such mental injury, or none.

If society deems inclusion of sexual crime appropriate, then ACC must make decisions only from a proper evidential base. That demands proof of abuse and conviction of alleged perpetrators. But ACC must surely be the only insurance scheme to pay compensation without proof of loss or damage.

ACC's several hundred approved counsellors uncritically believe stories of abuse. They presume to know intuitively that abuse occurred, and claim an ability to diagnose consequential mental injury. That self-proclaimed expertise simply does not exist, but ACC makes compensation and treatment decisions on the basis of the beliefs, assumptions and quackery purveyed by its counsellors.

In recent years, this industry has submitted about 100,000 sexual abuse claims. If they are all genuine, I will eat my hat.