Child sex abuse hysteria and the Ellis case

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The Dominion Post
November 20 2004

Fetid swamp of nonsense
Letter by Gordon Waugh, Waitakere City

I was delighted to read Dr Ian Goodwin's comment about psychosis and sexual abuse (Nov 13-14). It was a breath of clean, fresh air in the fetid swamp of the nonsense spouted by self-appointed sex abuse "experts".

For far too long, many clinical psychologists, psychotherapists and counsellors have been allowed to mislead the public with an astonishing barrage of false information, statistics and theories about sexual abuse. They shun science, evidence and facts, relying on belief, assumption and ideology.

They invented belief-based theories such as recovered memories, multiple personality disorder, satanic ritual abuse and others, then fashioned an incredible array of "therapies" to treat the disorders they invented.

They seldom have evidence a client was sexually abused, but claim to detect abuse from the untested narratives of disturbed clients, and an endless list of abuse "indicators". A business analyst might say they are in the business of manufacturing victims.